P1-derived artificial chromosome - Wikipedia
A P1-derived artificial chromosome, or PAC, is a DNA construct derived from the DNA of P1 bacteriophages and Bacterial artificial chromosome. It can carry large amounts (about …
BAC\PAC文库主要用于那些方面? - 知乎
细菌人工染色体(Bacterial Artificial Chromosome,BAC)文库和P1人工染色体 (P1–derived artificial chromosome,PAC)文库的构建是进行基因组研究的一项重要基础性工作,特别是对大 …
P1-Derived Artificial Chromosome - an overview - ScienceDirect
Artificial chromosomes (ACs) are engineered chromosomes with defined genetic content that can function as non-integrating vectors with a large carrying capacity and stability (Duncan and …
人工染色体 - 百度百科
P1派生人工染色体(PAC)是将BAC和P1噬菌体载体二者优点结合起来的克隆体系,可以克隆100-300kb的外源DNA片段。 特点. (1)含有 卡那霉素 抗性基因,便于筛选. (2)由于其在 …
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A new bacteriophage P1–derived vector for the propagation of …
1994年1月1日 · We have designed a P1 vector (pCYPAC–1) for the introduction of recombinant DNA into E. coli using electroporation procedures. The new cloning system, P1–derived …
Phage P1-Derived Artificial Chromosomes Facilitate …
We describe a procedure for the conjugative transfer of phage P1-derived Artificial Chromosome (PAC) library clones containing large natural product gene clusters (≥70 kilobases) to …
P1-Derived Artificial Chromosome - an overview - ScienceDirect
These advances have greatly contributed towards the construction of a minimal tilling path of the large-inserted bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) or P1-derived artificial chromosome …
P1 Derived Artificial Chromosome Pac Construction and use
Phage artificial chromosome or P1-derived artificial chromosome (PAC) is a form of chromosome derived through biological manipulation and it originates from a ‘phage’ instead of a ‘plasmid’, …
P1-Derived Artificial Chromosome or PAC - Online Tutorials …
2023年5月18日 · P1-derived artificial chromosome, or PAC, is a DNA construct derived from the DNA of P1 bacteriophages and Bacterial artificial chromosome. It can carry large amounts of …
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