SOLVED!!! P0171 & p0174 P1083 & P1085 - BimmerFest BMW …
2015年1月6日 · My SES light is on. car runs fine. I bought a code scanner and got p0171, p0174, p1083, and p1085. I was told the maf was at fault so i bought a new one. I...
Dammit got codes P0171 P0174 P1083 P1085 - BimmerFest BMW …
2013年11月30日 · CoDES Codes: P0171, P0174, P1083 and P1085. Hey gUys, Im new to this forum. I just wanted to share my experience with these codes. So I went down to AutoZone to pick up a few parts for my 330. I picked up the STP air filter. …
OBD codes P0171, P1083, P1351 - BimmerFest BMW Forum
2011年8月26日 · My 2003 X5 3.0i started to shudder (I think due to misfiring). Used OBD scanner and got these codes: P0171: System Too Lean (Bank 1) P0174: System Too Lean (Bank 2) P1083: Fuel Control Mixture Lean (Bank 1 Sensor 1) P1085: Fuel Control Mixture Lean (Bank 2 Sensor 1) P1351: Misfire Cylinder 5 With Fuel Cut-off The trouble shooting section of the code for "System too lean" at OBD-codes.com ...
So many issues.. help with P0174, P0171, P1083 and...
2017年10月17日 · Hey guys, new to the forums not exactly sure where to put this. For starters, I've read 100s of posts on so many forums and to no avail have I resolved any of my issues. So when it all started roughly a month ago where my car decided to not corporate with me anymore. It stalled out one day, and had to restart it and somehow manage to drive home. I'm throwing the dreadful codes of P1083,1085 ...
anyone knows the code P1083: Fuel Control Mixture Lean...
2007年10月14日 · After a couple of days or slight vibrations during idle, the Service engine soon light came on yesterday. So I hooked up the OBD tool and checked the code and it was P1083 : Fuel Control Mixture Lean (Bank 1 Sensor 1) I erased it and after driving for 10 miles it …
2002 525i Wagon throwing codes - P0171, P0174, P1083...
2014年6月4日 · 2002 525i Wagon throwing codes - P0171, P0174, P1083, P1085, P1619. The car had a bunch more codes (lean, misfires etc - 13 in all). Changed out the Crakcase valve and associated hoses with a kit from EEuroparts; The car runs way better now. Oil return line was completely severed. Down to 5 codes (P0171, P0174, P1083, P1085, P1619). Tried spraying carb cleaner on it while running to check for ...
bmw e39 530i codes! Where to start? P0171 P0174 P0300 P0336 …
2014年1月3日 · Just bought a 2003 e39 530i with the following codes! P0171 P0174 P0300 P0336 P1083 P1085 P1348 P1351 P1353 P1512. I thought I got a good deal until I took it home. The car is leaking oil, (not a lot) it idles okay when it wants to, however sometimes shuts off. Also, there are times when it...
Car was throwing codes....DISA valve! - BimmerFest BMW Forum
2010年11月26日 · About 10 days ago my car was idling very rough. Took out the Acutron scanner and got several different codes. P0171, P0174 - system too lean, bank 1 and bank 2. The car was drivable, so I cleared and re-read the codes for 2 or 3 days. I kept getting different codes, P1083, p1084, P1347, P1348...
CA Smog test failed – Error code P0313, P1083, P0135...
2013年5月31日 · The SMOG test failed due to engine light, here are Error codes P0313, P1083, P0135, P0155, P0171, P0174 on smog test sheet. I was able to read error codes by connecting to INPA (INPA v3.01/EDIABAS v6.4.3 Thanks David MC), please see attached.
X5 running like crap - pulled codes P0174, P1083 and...
2009年12月29日 · Here are the facts: Vehicle is 2002 X5 3.0 with 105K. For no apparent reason, car started to run and idle rough and the CEL (Check/Service Engine Light) light came on, so I pulled codes and got 0174, 1083 and 1085 and other misfire codes. So, I know the car is running lean, or at least that's what the codes say, but sometimes as if by magic, the CEL clears and she runs great, only to have the ...