P1482 Code- AFTER replacing Clutch fan - GMTNation
2012年6月1日 · You guys helped me a months ago with a noisy cooling fan. I replaced the fan/clutch assembly. After doing so, the check engine light has been on. I check the code (getting P1482) and reset it. The light usually comes back on within 3-4 starts of the vehicle. The new fan works but the CE light is on and I keep failing my emmissions test.
SOLVED! - P1482 | GMTNation
2021年11月9日 · A few days later I swapped relays and the lights came back. BUT then the P1482 appeared. I’ve continued to try different relays in the cooling fan socket but the process is lengthy, clearing the fault then waiting to see if the fault returns. It always does.
P1481 error code clutch fan speed sensor fault - GMTNation
2019年8月12日 · Since you have no access to a Tech 2 right now... One of these Combination 'Pico-Scope' & DMM for $90.00 would certainly extend your Diagnostic capabilities and somewhat emulate the Expensive Tools that Scanner Danner utilizes to hunt down this P1481-P1482 Fan-Clutch Mystery. .
NEED HELP - P0222, P1482, limp mode - GMTNation
2015年12月12日 · Keeps throwing codes P0222, P1482 and randomnly going into limp mode. Have been reading other forums/posts similar but havent come across the 2 codes together. By the summary of all posts from every forum that i have read, i can only assume that this has to be related to the 5v power source between the tb and fan.
P1482 Code... | GMTNation
2015年2月14日 · While i'm waiting and driving the engine is running fine, the code is thrown for the P1482 but no overheating issues. A few days pass I get teh new wire plug it in and clear the code and it's right back on. So I check make sure I did actually plug bothends in and they are. I clear the codes and try again. I come to the forum and hunt it down.
P1482 solved | GMTNation
2012年8月8日 · I had a P1482. The Dorman fan I bought before finding the board I thought had given up so I ordered a Hayden. Installed the Hayden and while much smoother I still received P1482. I read more and found out about swapping the fan and headlight relay. Long story short, driving down a dark...
SOLVED! Efan Replacement for Stock 2006 Envoy Denali Cooling
2023年3月29日 · The primary reason is to get rid of the problematic clutch and the huge fan shroud complicating belt changes especially the AC belt. Replaced the clutch a few times and obviously “good” replacement clutches is hit or miss at best. The input I am seeking is what efan solution is as good as the...
Codes P0335 P0340 P1482 - GMTNation
2015年2月8日 · EDIT: Monday, July 29th,2024 @ 04:35 PM EST Thanks to the generosity of @TJBaker57...These images shown below bear out the fact that any parked, warm and cozy looking SUV or TRUCK is a kind of "Rat Magnet" for all kinds of vermin that might harbor any number of Zoonotic Diseases (Cross Species) such as the North American Deer Mouse carrying the HANTA Virus in its Desiccated Feces, Urine and ...
How to test the electro-viscous fan clutch - GMTNation
2011年12月4日 · So you suspect that your fan clutch is defective. One of two conditions is possible. If your fan is roaring like a jet engine after it has warmed up, DO NOT TEST. It's already confirmed that the clutch is locked up and needs to be replaced. Normally, it will roar a …
Another roaring clutch fan - GMTNation
2014年1月9日 · I have a 2002 Trailblazer. Replaced the original fan clutch after it started roaring like crazy. The second roared right from the beginning. Thinking the second one might be bad, I replaced it with another new clutch fan It is still roaring and throwing the following codes: P1482 (Cooling Fan Speed Output circuit) & P0495 (Fan High Speed).