Polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid TLR ligand tested 42424-50-0
The Polyinosinic-Polycytidylic acid Sodium Salt (P1530) is a double-stranded homopolymer with variable molecular weights. The variable range has been observed at 400-1250 base pairs; however, this may vary from lot to lot.
聚肌苷酸-聚胞苷酸 钠盐 TLR ligand tested | Sigma-Aldrich
这些成熟DC能够在CD40连接后分泌生物活性IL-12,因此注射后能够在 体内 产生有效的免疫应答。 Poly (I:C)被用作有效的佐剂,以增强对肽类疫苗的特异性抗肿瘤免疫应答。 双链均聚物。 该产物需要离子强度以维持其双链结构。 为了防止变形,可用生理性盐溶度(如盐水溶液)的溶液将其重悬。 重悬过程可能需要加热(50 °C)及冷却以实现重新退火。 没有发现合适的版本? 已有该产品? 在文件库中查找您最近购买产品的文档。
Poly (I:C) 聚肌胞苷酸(TLR3激动剂)产品专题 - 上海懋康生物科技 …
聚肌胞苷酸(Polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid),简称为Poly (I:C),或poly (rI):poly (rC)),是一种合成型的双链RNA(dsRNA)的类似物,一种病毒感染相关的分子模式。 Poly (I:C)活化抗病毒模式识别受体TLR3,RIG-I/MDA5,和PKR,从而诱导多条炎症通路(包括NF-κB,IRF)介导的信号途径。 活化机制(信号通路): 不论是天然还是合成型dsRNA皆能诱导I型干扰素(IFN)和其他细胞因子生成。 Poly (I:C)被Toll样受体3(TLR3)所识别。
Preparation Instructions The products are soluble in water (10 mg/ml), yielding a very faint hazy to clear, colorless solution. The products require ionic strength to maintain the double-strand structure. To prevent denaturation, reconstitute Catalog Numbers P1530 and P0913 in solutions with physiological salt concentrations (e.g., saline ...
P1530 Code Meaning, Causes, Symptoms, & Tech Notes
2019年8月28日 · Description With the engine running in closed loop, VSS input over 1 mph and the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) detects the Test Switch was on (circuit grounded) for 5 seconds. P1530 Code - Ignition Timing Adjustment Switch Circuit
P1530 | Sigma-Aldrich
Find p1530 and related products for scientific research at Merck
Code P1530 in 97 Boxster - RennTech.org Community
2009年6月10日 · We could use some advice about the codes associated with my wife's 97 Boxster (the Debster) engine light coming on. The car has 37398 miles, and has been rigorously maintained. The Debster has these DTC's: P-code 1530 on a universal code reader, per the Bentley service manual that's Porsche DTC 174, Camshaft adjustment, cyl 1-3.
CÓDIGO P1530 (todas las marcas) | Síntomas y Soluciones
Te enseñaremos todo lo que te hace falta saber para darle solución al código de falla P1530: Descripción, causas, síntomas y cómo solucionarlo...
Polyinosinic-polycytidylic aci | P1530-25MG | SIGMA-ALDRICH | SLS
TLR3 recognizes double-stranded RNA and is a major effector of the immune response against viral pathogens. Polyinosinic–polycytidylic acid (Poly (I) • Poly (C)) is a double-stranded …
Bank 1 Actuator \ Soleniod -1998 (P1530 & P1531) - 986 Boxster ...
2024年8月26日 · Diagnostics: P1530 check triggering wire for short to ground, if none is found, replace actuator. P1531 Check for battery power on supply wire, if ok, check triggering wire for continuity; if both ok, replace actuator. Because the car has been sitting, I would look closely at the condition of the wiring harnesses.....................