CEL P1264 and P1554 - Ford Powerstroke Diesel Forum
2016年8月1日 · Ill make this as short as possible, took a trip this weekend and truck idled rough one time, pulled off checked things and turned truck off and back on and everything was good …
P1554 sticking VANOS solanoid, resolved the problem
2012年4月1日 · Hi My car a 2006 BMW 3 series E90 325i se auto petrol just purchased with 87,000 miles came with a intermittent fault showing an engine code generic P1554, this …
Camshaft position sensor fault code P0012/P1554 - BimmerFest …
2014年2月12日 · 2007 Z4, 75k miles So im driving home from work today when i get the "service engine soon" light on my dash. I pull over, grab my elm327, and pull the fault codes with …
Confused on P1554 code - BimmerFest BMW Forum
2015年10月16日 · My daughter's 2006 325xi had the Service Engine Soon light come on today. She said it still drove OK - no loss of power or anything noticeable. I checked the code with my …
E60 Error code P1554 - BimmerFest BMW Forum
2020年9月20日 · Out of the blue today my check engine light came on my E60. Didn't notice any issue with the car for the remaining 70 miles. Still no issue but the light. Scanner gave me a …
2007 335i coupe p1553 p1554 ? | BimmerFest BMW Forum
Hi I have a 2007 335i coupe, car gets in limp mode and has the p1554 p1553 codes on and can***8217;t clear them up Any suggestions? Thinking maybe vanos or my timing is off but …
Help!! Code P1554 and P1554 P, Vanos Solenoids - BimmerFest …
2015年5月13日 · I recently purchased a 08 335i Sport Package, I got it pretty cheap because of the check engine light. (P1554, P1554 P) The car was in limp mode when I bought it, the limp …
p1554 and p0444 code from cheap obd2 scanner - is...
2023年5月11日 · Here are my opinions and the basis for same, related to P-codes. 1) P-code P1554 is the SAME (and MORE specific) than the corresponding Hexadecimal Code (Hex …
Rough Idle when cold solved! | BimmerFest BMW Forum
2010年3月27日 · On a cold start, my 330i idled and generally ran poorly. The idle was a bit loopy and sometimes stumbled, occasional stall. A few times I would get engine codes P1554 and …
e90 N52 won´t start after p1553 and 5e18 - BimmerFest BMW Forum
2022年12月1日 · Hello! Bought a BMW e90 N52 with a known of problem with the vanos solenoids (p1554) this summer. Had to clean them up and the problem disappeared. Last …