细胞衰老的重要通路:p16 INK4a/Rb和p19 ARF/p53/p21 Cipl …
细胞衰老的重要通路:p16 INK4a/Rb和p19 ARF/p53/p21 Cipl信号途径-细胞周期蛋白依赖激酶(cyclin-dependent kinase,CDK抑制因子p16 INK4a,p21 Cipl等是细胞衰老的关键效应物。
p19ARF links the tumour suppressor p53 to Ras - Nature
1998年9月10日 · The protein p19 ARF, one of the two tumoursuppressors encoded by the INK4a-ARF locus 8, activates p53 both by neutralizing MDM2, which destabilizes p53, and by interacting directly with p53...
p16INK4A and p19ARF act in overlapping pathways in cellular
2000年2月8日 · In immortal derivatives of cell lines expressing antisense p16INK4A or p19ARF RNA, growth arrest induced by recovery of p16 INK4A expression is bypassed by compromising the function of the...
p19 Arf is required for the cellular response to chronic DNA damage
2016年1月4日 · We therefore examined the role of p19 Arf in cellular responses to chronic, low-dose DNA-damaging agent treatment by maintaining MEFs in low oxygen and administering 0.5 G y γ-irradiation daily...
The INK4A Locus and the p16 INK4A and p19 ARF Genes
Role of the p19 ARF protein in checkpoint control. The p19 ARF protein (ARF) responds to proliferative signals normally required for cell proliferation. When these signals exceed a critical threshold, the ARF-dependent checkpoint (vertical barrel) is activated,
Splicing into Senescence: The Curious Case of p16 and p19 ARF …
1997年11月28日 · In this issue of Cell, Kamijo and coworkers (1997) report that much of the phenotype ascribed to p16 -null mice may in fact be attributed to disruption of p19ARF, an alternatively spliced transcript derived from genomic sequence shared with the p16 transcript but encoding a different open reading frame.
The Ink4a Tumor Suppressor Gene Product, p19Arf, Interacts …
1998年3月20日 · The INK4a gene encodes two distinct growth inhibitors—the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p16 Ink4a, which is a component of the Rb pathway, and the tumor suppressor p19 Arf, which has been functionally linked to p53.
P19(ARF) stabilizes p53 by blocking nucleo-cytoplasmic ... - PubMed
1999年6月8日 · We show here that coexpression of p19 (ARF) blocks the nucleo-cytoplasmic shuttling of Mdm2. Moreover, subnuclear localization of Mdm2 changes from the nucleoplasm to the nucleolus in a shuttling time-dependent manner, whereas p19 (ARF) is exclusively located in …
p19(Arf) is required for the cellular response to chronic DNA
2016年8月18日 · We therefore examined the role of p19 (Arf) in cellular responses to chronic, low-dose DNA-damaging agent treatment by maintaining MEFs in low oxygen and administering 0.5 G y γ-irradiation daily or 150 μM hydroxyurea, a replication stress inducer.
The differential impact of p16(INK4a) or p19(ARF) deficiency
2004年1月15日 · We report the generation and characterization of a p19 (ARF)-specific knockout allele (p19 (ARF)-/-) and direct comparison with mice and derivative cells deficient for p16 (INK4a), both p16 (INK4a) and p19 (ARF), and p53.