P207F - 6.7L Power Stroke® Diesel Engines - Diesel Technician …
2016年5月10日 · I have yet to find one in conjunction with DTC P207F and the code for me so far has been set alone. The 14's and up - "The PCM monitors selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system performance using the nitrogen oxides bank 1, sensor 1 (NOx11) sensor and the nitrogen oxides bank 1, sensor 2 (NOx12) sensor, in addition to other inputs.
P207f code fix | Cummins Diesel Forum
2022年2月5日 · Recently had the death def message pop up on my 2015 2500…. 5mph max speed in 150 miles. Truck has 120,000 miles I’ve had it since 40,000 miles.Truck hasn’t had a single issue until now. I plugged in my Bosch scanner and the p207f code says permanent.
repeat concern p207f - 6.7L Power Stroke® Diesel Engines - Diesel ...
2014年1月20日 · The P207F code can set if we have any concern with the EGR or air management systems so we recommend going thru pin point test W and KA located in the online PC/ED manual to prove out these 2 systems do not have any concern.There have been issues with the EGR cooler being restricted with carbon.
DEF issue/ P207F trouble code | Cummins Diesel Forum
2016年10月26日 · Have 2017 6.7 2500 4x4. The light has come on 3 times so far. Dealer wants a buttload of money to change the injector. Looked online and saw people resetting their own P207f code. Bought an OBD2 Link and takes about 2 minutes to reset the code. Mine triggers when I'm above 5000 feet and have been driving slowly on mountain roads.
p207f - 6.7L Power Stroke® Diesel Engines - Diesel Technician …
2018年9月16日 · Agree takes a lot of time, have 2 in shop right now with p207f, both required replacing ccv collar before reprogramming modules, and performing scr road test which took around 10 miles for message to go off in ic for one, and other was already in idle only mode requiring different procedure to get out of idle mode. on f-350 after reprogramming had a hard fault for particulate matter sensor ...
Monitoring NOx Sensors: P207F - Diesel Technician Society
2017年4月20日 · I have another P207F fault that passes all pinpoint tests and inspections. So instead of just loading up the ol parts cannon I decided to start looking at some things individually thinking I might stumble onto something. I did but I am not convinced yet this is normal. This is a 2015 F450 6.7L. NOx2 was replaced 1500 miles ago for the same code.
2011 F-350 P207F (again) - Diesel Technician Society
2020年1月23日 · - 204,502 miles - back again P20EE, P207F - replaced DEF injector, removed U & L intake and decarbon, replaced EGR core and cleaned EGR valve, did SCR drive cycle, fault returned, contacted Ford tech hotline (was able to at that time, can't now) - replaced SCR catalyst assy (a.k.a. "torpedo"), reset all adaptations and monitors, test drove.
DEF problems and P207F | Cummins Diesel Forum
2021年8月29日 · DEF problems and P207F Background. 4 weeks ago Drive from sea level get to 5500' got def messages when hit 5500' (Temp was high 90s outside) (incorrect DEF, Service Def and then10 miles after the message Check Engine light with P207f and cant clear it). Back down to lower elevation the messages went away but check engine stays on.
P207F - Page 2 - 6.7L Power Stroke® Diesel Engines - Diesel …
2016年5月10日 · Replaced the injector, reset everything and did scr drive cycle. I put 40 miles on it and retest, p207f didn't return but now has p020ee or whatever the code is for scr efficiency. I'm calling bullshit on ford hotline claim of draining and doing manual regens. Waiting to throw assembly on and see what happens.
Will a P207f code really limit me to 5mph? | Cummins Diesel Forum
2016年5月23日 · Today my 2014 2500 threw a p207f code and said ''service def system, see dealer'' or something like that. I stopped at a dealer and they said the code was for poor quality def, and I need to schedule an appt. I went on my way and now it popped up 150miles till 5mph max speed. Will it really shut...