P2121 code help? | Cummins Diesel Forum
Mar 6, 2015 · And the p2121 code is the only code I have doing that. 2007 2500 crew cab 4wd 6.7. 6-speed manual
P2121 Throttle /pedal position sensor/ switch D circuit range ...
Oct 28, 2021 · Hello guys and girls I have A 2008 Dodge Cummins 2500 6.7 with about 205,000 miles, and I had this code pop up P2121 and P2127 for awhile now, and I have tried rerouting the wire on the wiring harness and replacing 4 pedals but nothing has seem to work my truck goes in a limp mode with the red lightning bolt coming on and the check engine light ...
Codes P2121 and P2122 | Cummins Diesel Forum
Mar 16, 2008 · Pulled onto shoulder with truck idling, reved the engine a couple of times (had throttle lag to engine response) and slowly took back off again. Being out of town, I went to local Auto Zone and he put scanner on truck. Showed P2121 and P2122 codes. Trying to limp back home stopped and filled up. Engine light went off and truck operated perfect.
Code p2121 | Cummins Diesel Forum
Aug 21, 2009 · P2121 Pedal Position Sensor 1 Performance / Rationality . 2004 Silver Srt 4 Stock 2005 Black Ram 2500 5.9l ...
2004.5 Cummins with P2123 and P2121 Codes
Feb 22, 2011 · Had the same problem (p2121 & p2123) with my 04.5 at around the same time this post originated. Did a bunch of reseach on this site and replaced my accelerator pedal position sensor (apps) with a cheaper version they sell on e-bay. Pretty easy and straight forward fix.
Electronic throttle control problem (P2121) | Cummins Diesel Forum
Jul 3, 2016 · Truck will run flawless for weeks even months at a time and then will start to momentarily lose power, service Electronic throttle control warning along with lightning bolt show up on the dash. DTC P2121 (throttle/pedal position sensor switch d/ circuit range/performance) Shows up when I run a DTC on the tuner
Damn P2121 | Cummins Diesel Forum
Nov 30, 2014 · Mil Light On DTC Codes P2121, P2122 , P2127 Possible No Throttle Response , or Possible Intermittent Concern. APP Sensor Has Already Been Replaced. Diagnosis: Poor connections at the C130 connector . Other possible causes are rub through in the APP wiring near the brake pedal bracket , or poor connection at the APP sensor connector. 1.
P2121 code! | Cummins Diesel Forum
Jul 1, 2016 · 2004.0 Dodge Ram 2500,Stock 5.9L Diesel H.O. 305HP/555lb.ft ,6-speed NV5600,South Bend Dual Disk clutch,2WD,2" front level, Frantz oil bypass,Cat 1R-0479 fuel filter,Baldwin BF1212 filter,Smarty S06,revo tune,Issopro FP,ETG,Boost gauges,boost elbow set …
Mar 20, 2019 · P2121 Code I recently bought a 2012 Dodge Ram 3500 and get’n frustrated with this code. Since I’ve bought the truck I’ve changed the tps, throttle body delete, h&s mini max, cleared the code a few times.
*HELP PLEASE* P2121 and P2123 codes | Cummins Diesel Forum
Feb 18, 2010 · P2121 & P2123 Codes I'm having the same problems with my 2004 Dodge Ram 2500 diesel. Everytime I go to dealer to fix, the code clears itself and they can't find the problem. I was able to get the codes p2121 & p2123 which indicate accelerator switch. Now I have get them to fix it while it's still under warranty. Pat