P2227 code will not clear!! - Chevy and GMC Duramax Diesel Forum
2015年6月11日 · Hey guys, just finished putting in some brand new Bosch injectors and new fuel lines. Truck runs great but has a p2227 code. Truck is a California emissions truck. I thought maybe the baro pressure sensor was bad, so I replaced the one on the passenger side behind the fuel filter. Cleared the code with my banks IQ,code came back.
P2227 (Baro Pressure) after Y-Bridge Repair - Chevy and GMC …
2022年2月15日 · Replaced with ACDelco PN: 2133699. Got everything back together and got P2227. Edge CTS shows 22psi at idle. First, I want to make sure I have the right part because I've seen a GM PN19207559 also listed in a thread on here. And …
Barometric pressure sensor P2227?? - Diesel Place
2006年4月25日 · Within the ECM, the diagnostic compares the BARO sensor input to the boost pressure sensor input. If the ECM detects that the inputs are not within a specified amount of each other, DTC P2227 sets. DTC Descriptor The following procedure supports the following DTC: DTC P2227 Barometric Pressure (BARO) Sensor Performance Conditions for Running ...
Seeking expertise on P0380, P2227, P0101 and P1404
2015年8月10日 · P2227 - Barometric Pressure Senros "A" Circuit Range/Performance P0101 - Mass Air Flow "A" Circuit Range/Performance P1404 - something about the EGR being stuck. Did some research and looks like P2227 may be tripping the P1404. It does seems like it's lagging in performance and has some black smoke at about more than half way to WOT.
p2227 | Diesel Place
2008年1月22日 · GM Diesel Engines. Duramax Second Generation: 2004.5-2005 (LLY) p2227. Jump to Latest ... p2227. Jump to ...
HELP! Codes P2227 and P0405 - Chevy and GMC Duramax Diesel …
2015年5月4日 · For code P2227(Barometric Pressure circuit range/Performance) I replaced the Barometric pressure sensor, I read in ALLDATA that both the BARO and EGR vacuum sensor work together in sequence and if there is any difference between them, code P2227 sets …
P2227 Barometric Pressure Sensor - Diesel Place
2016年2月3日 · GM Diesel Engines. Duramax Second Generation: 2004.5-2005 (LLY) ... Truck keeps throwing a P2227 code for ...
LB7 throwing code P2227 | Chevy and GMC Duramax Diesel Forum
2016年5月8日 · Anyway it is all back together and the 2 million wires, parts, and vacuum lines are all back on. It fired right up. It runs great on idle. It sounds perfect. It looks healthy. No more white smoke. Just black and only on punching the pedal. But it's in limp mode of some kind. It's throwing out two P2227 codes. A barometric sensor.
P2227 | Diesel Place
2006年9月3日 · Fuel filter changed after a lone P1093 on100 hp tune and just prior to setting the first P2227 and P0299. Boost stick has been on forever and working fine. Only changes to my truck were Mike L. Suncoast IV and changing Predator tunes from 65 to 100 and back down to 85 where it is now and has been since the first of July, and the P2227 experiences.
P2227 code? - Chevy and GMC Duramax Diesel Forum
2010年4月23日 · Helpful Helm GM Service Manuals - like... 9000 pages!! Rescue VHF Radio, Jotto Desk Laptop command center, Rescue Gear, Lotsa Flashy LED's, Shinny Decals Haulin B&W Turn Over Ball & Companion, Firestone Ride-Rite Air Lift Bags, '14 Heartland Warrior Toy Hauler, (12000lb dry), Kayaks, Harley