VW P2294 Code: Troubleshooting Fuel Pressure on 2008 Passat VR6
Customer: Code p2294 Mechanic's Assistant: Just to clarify, what's the exact code? And have you tried to reset it? Customer: Yes i did and keep coming back Mechanic's Assistant: What is the model/year of your VW? Customer: 2008 vw passat 3.6 Mechanic's Assistant: Are you fixing your Passat yourself? What have you tried so far?
VW Error P2294: Troubleshooting and Solutions | JustAnswer
I have this code P2294 on my 2007 Passat 2.0 FSI, I replaced the HPFP still the same, the electric diagram will help. Paul M ASE Master ASE Master Tech 20+ Years
VW P2294 Code: Q&A for Passat, Golf GTI, Tiguan & More
I have this code P2294 on my 2007 Passat 2.0 FSI, I replaced the HPFP still the same, the electric diagram will help. Mechanic's Assistant chat Customer: I have this code P2294 on my 2007 Passat 2.0 FSI, I replaced the HPFP still the same, the electric diagram will help.
Got a epc light and p2294 .... changed high and low fuel
The EPC light and the P2294 code are closely related, as they both indicate a problem with the fuel pressure regulation. Removing the throttle body should not cause the EPC light to come on, unless you damaged the wiring or the connector in the process.
VW TDI Fuel Pressure Regulator Valve (N276) Q&A | P2294 Code
008852 - Fuel Pressure Regulator Valve (N276) P2294 -- 004 -- Open Circuit - MIL ON Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 11100100 Fault Priority: 0 Fault Frequency: 2 Mileage: 264617 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2000.00.00 Time: 17:52:40 Freeze Frame: RPM: 1117 /min Load: 16.1 % Speed: 0.0 km/h Temperature: 86.0°C Temperature: 72.0°C Absolute Pres ...
VW P2294 ERROR CODE: CAUSES, SYMPTOMS, and SOLUTIONS By chatting and ... 2007 VW Passt 3.6 Mechanic's ...
P2294 & P0089 Codes? Expert Troubleshooting Guide - JustAnswer
Customer: I have code P2294 and P0089. I have no power in the re n black wire to the HPFP fuel pressure regulator. W hitch fuse operated that Mechanic's Assistant: Im sorry to hear about the issues youre experiencing with your VW. Our VW Mechanic will be able to help you diagnose and resolve the code P2294 and P0089, as well as the lack of ...
VW P2294 Fuel Pressure Regulator Q&A - JustAnswer
The EPC light is on due to the P2294 code. Most times this is the fuel pressure regulator on the high pressure fuel pump at the engine - circled red in the attached. To test, you disconnect the harness connector to it, use a multimeter set to Ohms and at the component, check resistance between the 2 pins. It should be 25 to 35 ohms. If not ...
VW Passat P2294 Code: Troubleshooting and Solutions - JustAnswer
Help with 2006 b6 passat p2294 code. Disclaimer: Information in questions, answers, and other posts on this site ("Posts") comes from individual users, not JustAnswer; JustAnswer is not responsible for Posts.
I have the engine light on and scan the code P2294 and by an …
Ok Thanks Adam and here’s a copy of scanned code from Volkswagen dealerScanned for faults and found 7 faults. p0087 - fuel pressure low, p050a - idle control concern, p2294 - fuel pressure regulator circuit fault, p0301 - misfire cyl 1, p0302 - misfire cyl 2, p0306 - misfire cyl 6, p0171 - …