P2463 Has any gone to dealer for this? | Cummins Diesel Forum
2020年5月26日 · Got the P2463 check engine code today. (DPF soot accumulation) and also DPF full message which triggered a regen of course. Cell code is still there (yes I know I can clear it) but has anyone gone to the dealer with this and if …
Well crap, here we go. P1451, P242F, P2463 - Dodge Cummins …
2020年8月14日 · I was hoping this day would not come but here I am :- ( . Got the dreaded P1451, P242F, and P2463 today (all DPF full related) Also had the DPF 100% full...
P242F - what I've learned | Cummins Diesel Forum
2016年1月28日 · P242F is set based on values calculated by the ECU using the delta pressure measurement across the DPF. The code will remain active and cannot be cleared by any means until that calculated value drops below a certain threshold (I haven't been able to find out what it is -- something between 1 and 24 grams, based on my experience).
2014 Regen in Progress - DPF 100% Full / P242F - Need Advice
2019年9月13日 · Stock 2014 with 49K miles, hours: 113 Idle, 1227 in Drive. This morning EVIC says the DPF is 100% Full, Re-Gen in Process and a code of: P242F, but truck is running fine. I've seen the message 100% Full message several times before, but it usually starts counting down pretty quickly from 100%...
P2459 Code....DPF Regeneration Frequency High - Dodge …
2019年5月13日 · P2459 Code....DPF Regeneration Frequency High Just this past Wednesday, I ran into an issue regarding excessive regeneration with the ol’ 4500 on a trip to Salisbury, NC.
P1451 | Cummins Diesel Forum
2014年2月15日 · This fault code is an indication that the exhaust temperatures exiting the tur- bocharger are not high enough to allow active regeneration of the soot that is trapped in the Aftertreatment diesel particulate filter.
Codes; P242F & P1451 | Cummins Diesel Forum
2011年2月13日 · Just passed 51k miles and have a Smarty Jr.(2500 miles ago) and last night coming home from San Diego in nasty crawling traffic the MIL light went on... Checked the Smarty Jr and got those two codes. I have searched the threads and have everything from bad batch of fuel to seriously deep sh!t...
DTC's P242F, P1451, P200C DPF Restriction Ash...
2021年1月26日 · The code P200C for DPF over temp will clear but the 242 and the 1451 will not in spite of numerous attempts to clear DTC's with Snap on Zeus. EGR is not stuck open and exhaust pipe tip is clean as a whistle. EGT's read within a few degrees of each other but I thought I saw the #3 EGT spike to...
2018, returning P242F code | Cummins Diesel Forum
2020年2月7日 · I got a P242F (Diesel Particulate Filter Restriction - Ash Accumulation) this morning, for the second time in less than 2k miles. Took it to the dealer the first time (45,545), they told me to set an appointment, and the code cleared (the light went out anyways) before i could get it in. They...
P0101 on stock truck - Dodge Cummins Diesel Forum
2016年6月20日 · I have searched and read, but didn't see anything quite on point. I have a new to me 2010 Ram 2500 6.7L Cummins. Bought it April 28 with 55K miles on it and it now has just over 58k. I have gotten the P0101 code about 4 times since I …