High-efficiency and air-stable P3HT-based polymer solar cells
2016年6月9日 · Here we present a new non-fullerene acceptor that has been specifically designed to give improved performance alongside the wide bandgap donor poly (3-hexylthiophene), a polymer with significantly...
Photoluminescence of P3HT:PCBM bulk ... - Wiley Online Library
2021年9月1日 · In the present work, we investigated the effect of an external electric field on the PL intensity and decay of P3HT:PCBM mixture films using steady-state and time-resolved electrophotoluminescence (E-PL). An applied electric field enhanced the steady-state PL spectra of both pristine and mixture films.
H-aggregate analysis of P3HT thin films-Capability and ... - Nature
2016年9月1日 · Here, we investigate films with different thicknesses of the model polymer poly (3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) spin-casted on substrates with varying roughness and chemical composition of the...
Constructing molecular bridge for high-efficiency and stable
2022年11月17日 · Herein, we have introduced a molecular bridge (MDN) to electronically link perovskite films with P3HT. In this MDN bridge, the malononitrile group anchors perovskite and passivates its surface...
Optimizing the performance of P3HT-based photodetector by …
2020年10月1日 · PL spectra of P3HT:OXCBA thin films show peak emission at 712 nm and a shoulder around 604 nm. The PL peak of 1:0.50 blended ratio is significantly quenched by 22 % relative to the peak of 1:1.50 blended ratio. This highly efficient PL quenching suggests a profound photo-induced charge transfer in the 1:0.50 blended thin films.
Impact of P3HT Regioregularity and Molecular Weight on the …
2021年4月1日 · Photoluminescence (PL) curves of the perovskite-based layers are presented in Figure 3e. The PL emission peak at 772 nm is quenched significantly in the sample with PSK/P3HT with respect to the bare perovskite layer.
Photoluminescence Properties of Polymorphic Modifications of …
2017年5月23日 · In this work, we have fabricated thin films of poly (3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) with several MWs by using several techniques, including drop-casting, and investigated their structural and optical properties. We have chosen P3HT in this work because, compared to P3BT, more data for P3HT is available in the literature.
Photoluminescence of P3HT:PCBM bulk ... - Wiley Online Library
Steady-state and time-resolved photoluminescence (PL) and electrophotoluminescence (E-PL) have been recorded for bulk heterojunction samples of thin films of regio-regular poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) and methyl [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butanoate (PCBM).
P3HT:PCBM体异质结薄膜的光致发光与外电场效应 ... - X-MOL
2021年9月1日 · 在施加电场后,P3HT 和体异质结样品的 E-PL 光谱显示 P3HT 的量子产率和 PL 寿命增加。 施加电场后,从 P3HT 到 PCBM 的长程电子转移被延迟;场引起的变化随着 PCBM 含量的增加而增加。 已记录区域规则聚 (3-己基噻吩) (P3HT) 和甲基 [6,6]-苯基薄膜的本体异质结样品的稳态和时间分辨光致发光 (PL) 和电光致发光 (E-PL) -C61-丁酸酯 (PCBM)。 体异质结样品的 PL 光谱显示 PL 量子产率随着薄膜中 PCBM 含量的增加而单调下降。 PL衰减是用飞秒上转换技 …
P3HT Thin Films And Their Optical Characterization
This paper mainly deals with the optical characterizations on P3HT thin films. The optical investigations include UV-Visible spectroscopy, band gap, photoluminescence and Raman spectroscopy on spin coated and annealed P3HT thin films.