Flow Pro
Flow brings a highly intuitive and easy-to-navigate in-game interaction wheel into Microsoft Flight Simulator. Our revolutionary menu system challenges the status quo and offers a new and improved way of accessing and interacting with information.
Flow brings a highly intuitive and easy-to-navigate in-game interaction wheel into Microsoft Flight Simulator. Our revolutionary menu system challenges the status quo and offers a new and improved way of accessing and interacting with information.
How do I install Flow in MSFS?
📌 How do I install Flow in MSFS? Flow (all versions) install directly into the Community Folder. Please consider using Simstaller, for all your installations, then you won't need to read further. * We don't recommend or support using on/off add-on management tools with Flow. A direct install is ideal. Unzip the .zip you downloaded from our store.
Parallel 42 发布适用于微软模拟飞行的 Flow、Flow Essentials 和 Flow …
Parallel 42 的新实用工具已发布三种变体,具体取决于您希望拥有的功能。 Flow是该工具的免费版本,可让您访问完全可调整大小的“Wheel”界面,与默认的 MSFS 工具栏相比,该界面干净现代。 您可以调整它的外观、重新组织工具栏图标的位置等等。 您可以从 Orbx 下载免费版本。 Flow Essentials是免费软件版本的升级版,让您能够使用“The Wheel”做更多事情。 借助应用程序附带的许多小部件,调整天气、寻找朋友并轻松更改相机视图。 您还可以通过方向盘与飞机互动, …
Flow Pro for MSFS by Parallel 42 | Available Now
2022年12月20日 · Flow by //42 brings an intuitive and easy-to-navigate in-game interaction wheel into Microsoft Flight Simulator. Bring up the wheel with any assignable key or button to access default & custom panels from an on-screen overlay. With its modern approach to a menu system, Flow offers a unique and customizable experience for each user or aircraft.
GitHub - parallel42/flow-documentation
Flow is a menu replacement system for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. Not only does it offer better menus, it also enables Pro users to create your own scripts living within the simulator. Go to Flow's documentation Wiki
//42 Flow | Thread - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
2023年1月9日 · Parallel 42 proudly announces Flow, an intuitive and easy-to-navigate in-game interaction wheel, into Microsoft Flight Simulator. Our revolutionary menu system challenges the status quo and offers a new and improved way of accessing and interacting with information.
Parallel 42 – Flow Pro v 2024.44.4.14 [MSFS2020] - 飞行宝
2024年6月27日 · Flow 将高度直观且易于导航的游戏内交互轮带入飞行模拟。 我们革命性的菜单系统挑战现状,提供了一种新的和改进的信息访问和交互方式。 在 Microsoft Flight Simulator 中浏览一行不断增长的控制面板已成为一件难看的苦差事。
FLOW by Parallel 42 available NOW - AVSIM
2022年12月20日 · Parallel 42 has released its three versions of Flow for Microsoft Flight Simulator. Flow Pro is available from Orbx for approximately $25.00 USD. https://orbxdirect.com/product/p42-flow-pro. Features – All Versions.
微软模拟飞行2020 工具栏插件 FlowPro上手使用介绍以及自定义文 …
专注于微软模拟飞行插件教程 任意视频下方详情中均可找到快速链接汇总。