Company | project44
project44 is on a mission to make supply chains work. Movement by project44, the only High-Velocity Supply Chain Platform, enables shippers, LSPs and carriers across the globe to …
Supply Chain Visibility Platform
Transform your inventory-in-motion into a competitive advantage with AI-powered automation that predicts, optimizes, and acts—keeping your supply chain miles ahead. project44 Named a Leader in the 2025 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Real-Time Transportation Visibility Platforms for Fifth Consecutive Year.
供应链可视化平台 - project44
蓝钻石耕地是全球最大的杏仁加工和营销合作社,它利用 SAP 物流业务网络和 project44 打造了一个智能数据驱动的理想平台,为其成员种植者提供了显著的价值。 project44 使我们能够在这充满不确定性的一年中依然履行我们对客户的承诺。 凭借对货物实时位置的掌握,我们能够灵活应对各种中断,主动做出决策,从而确保我们的分销商能够维持充足的库存。 在艰难的经济环境中,供应链可视化改变了游戏规则,使我们能够持续推动业务增长并提升患者体验。 project44 的海运 …
Solidigm已退出消费市场,P44 Pro和P41 Plus将是绝唱 - 电脑讨论 …
2025年1月3日 · Solidigm已退出消费市场,P44 Pro和P41 Plus将是绝唱,据TomsHardware报道,有知情人士透露,Solidigm早在一年多以前就解散了其消费类SSD部门,大概在2023年10月左右,并解雇了部分员工。
Differential Expression of the p44 Gene Family in the Agent of …
Using reverse transcription-PCR targeting of the p44 genes of the agent of human granulocytic ehrlichiosis (HGE) with primers flanking the hypervariable region, we show differential expression in a murine model of HGE infection and during tick transmission.
极致稳定丨Solidigm P44 Pro 1TB固态硬盘个人测评报告 - 知乎
从全盘写入来看,P44 Pro的表现是相当出色的,前段SLC写入在2.7G/s,此后直写部分保持了1.5G/s的速度直至写到883G,SLC回收缓过劲来恢复到2G/s的速度。
[存储] Solidigm首款旗舰产品P44 Pro,基于Platinum P41同款设计 …
2022年10月18日 · Solidigm首款旗舰产品P44 Pro,基于Platinum P41同款设计方案,TechPowerUp已出评测。 ComputeBase得到回复称两者具有“几乎相同的硬件和固件”。 已发现的区别是OP不一样:P44 Pro是1024G式,Platinum P41是1000G式。
层层进击的磷酸化信号—MAPK通路解析(下) - 搜狐
2021年12月31日 · 这个分支在kegg通路图的最上面,其中的MAPK酶是ERK1/ERK2 (p42/p44)激酶。 这是被研究的最为广泛最经典的MAPK通路,其与肿瘤有千丝万缕的关系,其中任何一个关键蛋白的功能异常,都可能…
Access project44's API documentation. Learn about new capabilities in Movement. Learn about new Facilities solutions for YMS and Appointment Management. How can I find which users and access groups can view a shipment? DIS FAQ: What if there are shipments with the same ID? Why are pictures or pages not loading correctly in my ClearMetal App?
Platform | project44
project44 seamlessly integrates with all TMS, OMS, WMS, ERP and CSM systems. We connect to your partners to ensure you can execute effectively. Movement delivers complete visibility of inventory from source to customer doorstep, streamlined facility automation, and timely collaboration with carriers, customers, suppliers, and partners.