从P26到P40重型坦克,意大利二战的第一辆重坦 - 百度百科
其实意大利的P40坦克并不能算是一辆成功的重型坦克,因为被德国占领后,坦克还没有完成生产,设计方案就落入了德军的手中。 幸存下来的意大利P40坦克. 意大利是第四个成功制造坦克的国家,他们的坦克研发经历几乎和英国、德国一样;最早可追溯至菲亚特2000坦克。 与其他国家所有的重型坦克一样,菲亚特2000的体积和重量都非常大,尽管防御能力也很不错,但是机动性很差,而且最致命的是成本还非常高,所以菲亚特2000最终只生产了两辆原型坦克就被叫停。 后 …
P26/40 tank - Wikipedia
The P 26/40 was an Italian World War II heavy tank (sometimes defined medium tank when compared to tanks of other nations). It was armed with a 75 mm gun and an 8 mm Breda machine gun , plus another optional machine gun in an anti-aircraft mount. [ 3 ]
Maybach HL230 - Wikipedia
The Maybach HL230 was a water-cooled 60° 23 litre V12 petrol engine designed by Maybach. It was used during World War II in medium and heavy German tanks – the Panther, Jagdpanther, Tiger II, Jagdtiger (HL230 P30), and later versions of the Tiger I and Sturmtiger (HL230 P45).
List of WWII Maybach engines - Wikipedia
P45: the coolant ducts are siamesed into a single pipe leading to the r.h. radiator. [167] Despite their similar appearances, the P30 and P45 versions had numerous small differences. The 230 P30 could be swapped with the P45 from a Tiger, but 105 separate parts needed to be removed from the P45 and replaced by 107 parts from the P30. [222]
German Armor Engines - Panzerworld
2021年5月8日 · During production, the Maybach HL 230 maximum rpm was reduced to 2500 by the factory, reducing engine wear. Two versions of the Maybach HL 230 existed, the P30 and P45. The P45 was used on the Tiger I chassis, while …
二战中的意大利坦克(1):重型坦克 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
就在P43进行研发的同时,安萨尔多公司迫于压力研发了P40的改进型;该坦克拥有大角度倾斜装甲,厚度为50至60mm,重34吨,同时安装一台450马力汽油发动机,最高时速可达每小时42千米,主炮也更换为42倍径90毫米型,该型火炮衍生自90毫米高炮。 在意大利投降前只建造了一辆木制模型。 意大利人基于P40车体,在1943年8月研发了一款安装149毫米榴弹炮的自行火炮,最后被德军控制但是没有继续研发下去。 P40使用了与M系列中型坦克相似的悬挂系统,但是对其 …
TIGER E development (VK 45.01 P + VK 45.01 H) - Weapons Parade
The new tank would have 100mm front and 60mm side armour and would retain the 88mm KwK gun from the Porsche prototype, although orders were given to upgrade it to match Rheinmetall’s Flak 41 model.
Tiger I Information Center - The Maybach Engine
The Maybach company, under the technical leadership of Karl Maybach, produced the engines for all the medium and heavy German tanks of WWII. The first Tiger engine was a V-12 water-cooled gasoline engine with a capacity of 21.33 liters (1302 cubic inches) and …
VK45.02 (H) ‘Tiger II’ Henschel Improved Tiger - Tank …
2021年12月15日 · As a result of this decision, the Tiger II (VK45.02), a tank that had been officially designated in April, was dead by October that year. A new attempt at a replacement 45-tonne heavy tank designated VK45.03(H) was postulated.
Information on the Maybach HL 210- HL 230. - Military Quotes
2014年7月19日 · Only the first 250 Tigers were fitted with the HL 210 P45 engine before the introduction of the HL 230 P45 engine was introduced which is the version that Tiger 131 used. This information was detailed in a report by the Military College of Science, School of Tank Technology, November 1943”