What is the name of the chemical P4O7? - Answers
2024年5月21日 · The chemical name for P4O7 is tetraphosphorus heptoxide. This answer is:
Phosphors atoms surrounded by four oxgen atoms is called what?
2024年5月28日 · One simple example is the phosphate ion, PO43- Another is P4O10, where every P atom is surrounded by 4 oxygen atoms P4O9 where 3 P atoms are surrounded by 4 O …
What is the chemical formula for PentaSulfur HexaOxide?
2024年5月24日 · The chemical name for P4O7 is tetraphosphorus heptoxide. What compound is called S5O? S5O is called disulfur pentoxide. It is a chemical compound composed of one …
What is the chemical formula for dibromine heptoxide? - Answers
2024年6月16日 · The chemical name for P4O7 is tetraphosphorus heptoxide. What is the formula for chlorine heptoixide? The molecular formula for chlorine heptoxide is Cl2O7.
What is the balanced chemical equation of tetraphosphorus …
2024年5月31日 · The chemical name for P4O7 is tetraphosphorus heptoxide. What is the formula of the compound with the name tetraphosphorus pentoxide? The chemical formula for …
What is Sulfate ion molecular weight? - Answers
2024年6月6日 · The mass of the ion P4O7 is 235,85946 g. What is the atomic mass of sulfate? The atomic mass of sulfate, which has the chemical formula SO4^2-, is 96.06 g/mol.
Is tetraphosphorus nanosulfide ionic? - Answers
No, tetraphosphorus nanosulfide is not ionic. It is a covalent compound, as it is composed of nonmetals (phosphorus and sulfur) that share electrons to form bonds rather than transferring …
What is tetraarsenic heptoxide? - Answers
The rules of inorganic nomenclature show that this name should be that of a compound that contains 4 ("tetra") arsenic atoms and 7 ("hept") oxygen atoms in each molecule. Therefore, its …
What is the oxidation state of an individual phosphorus atom
2022年11月18日 · +5; each oxygen is -2 giving -8 reduced by the ionic charge of -3 to +5
What do you call a phosphorus atom surrounded by four oxygen …
2024年5月23日 · d) A phosphate group. Updated: 5/23/2024 Wiki User. ∙ 12y ago