DNA损伤反应与DNA的修复(三) - 知乎专栏
p53 Binds and Activates the Xeroderma Pigmentosum DDB2 …
Here, we report the identification of a p53 response element in the human DDB2 gene and demonstrate binding and direct transcriptional activation of the DDB2 gene by p53. We also show that the mouse DDB2 gene does not contain a functional p53 response element, providing an explanation for the deficiencies of UV-DDB and GGR in mice.
DDB2 decides cell fate following DNA damage - PNAS
2009年6月30日 · In cells exposed to low doses of UV irradiation, DDB2 enhances nuclear accumulation of DDB1, which binds to a modified form of p53 phosphorylated at Ser-18 (p53 S18P) and, together with Cul4A, targets it for degradation.
ddb2通过诱导nf-κb的抑制剂iκba的转录,提高iκba的水平从而减少nf-κb的表达,并且ddb2的过表达会减少靶蛋白基质金属蛋白酶(mmp)的表达。 在结肠癌中,DDB2也通过抑制EMT从而减弱肿瘤的侵袭能力 [ 17 ] 。
A protein with broad functions: damage-specific DNA-binding
2022年10月3日 · Recent mechanistic studies have shown that DDB2 prevents UV-induced skin cancer by increasing p53-mediated apoptosis of UV-damaged cells and maintaining high levels of ROS to induce premature senescence.
Downregulation of the DNA Repair Gene DDB2 by Arecoline Is through p53 ...
2020年7月25日 · This study demonstrates that the major alkaloid of the areca nut, arecoline, downregulated DDB2 expression through inhibiting p53’s DNA-binding (DB) activity toward the DDB2 promoter; however, p53’s transactivation (TA) domain was not affected by arecoline.
Downregulation of the DNA Repair Gene DDB2 by Arecoline Is through p53 ...
2020年7月25日 · Here we demonstrated that arecoline suppressed the expression of DDB2, which is transcriptionally regulated by p53 and is required for nucleotide excision repair (NER). Ectopic expression of DDB2 restored NER activity in arecoline-treated cells, suggesting that DDB2 downregulation was critical for arecoline-mediated NER inhibition.
DDB2 damage specific DNA binding protein 2 [ (human)]
the data indicate that p53-dependent upregulation of XPC and DDB2 is a key mechanism upon genotoxic stress, whereby melanoma cells acquire resistance towards DNA cross-linking agents. DDB2 and a DDB2-ATM feedback loop influence HCMV replication.
Impaired regulation of tumor suppressor p53 caused by ... - PubMed
We propose that both before and after UV irradiation, DDB2 directly regulates p53 levels, while DDB2 expression is itself regulated by p53. Tumor suppressor p53 controls cell cycle progression and apoptosis following DNA damage, thus minimizing carcinogenesis. Mutations in the human DDB2 gene generate the E subgroup of xeroderma pigmentosum (XP-E).
p53 Binds and activates the xeroderma pigmentosum DDB2 gene …
The DDB2 gene, which is mutated in xeroderma pigmentosum group E, enhances global genomic repair of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers and suppresses UV-induced mutagenesis. Because DDB2 transcription increases after DNA damage in a p53-dependent manner, we searched for and found a region in the human DD …