002101 - p53 KO Strain Details - The Jackson Laboratory
002101 B6.129S2- Trp53 tm1Tyj /J Trp53 knockout mutant mice develop tumors at three to six months of age. They are suitable for use in applications related to the study of familial breast cancers such as Li-Fraumeni syndrome as well as research of lung, brain and bone tumors, lymphoma and leukemia, and other rare cancers.
Cell | 解锁p53新身份:可作为特定类型神经退行性变的关键调节器 …
2021年1月21日,来自美国斯坦福大学医学院的Aaron D. Gitler和Maya Maor-Nof在Cell杂志上合作发表了一篇题为p53 is a central regulator driving neurodegeneration caused by C9orf72 poly(PR) 的文章,在这项研究中,作者克服先前的技术困难,开发一种作用于原代神经元的改良型 …
Single loss of a Trp53 allele triggers an increased oxidative, DNA ...
2021年4月6日 · Our results demonstrated that p53 KO imposed a significant increase in MPO activity in circulating leukocytes, spleen and thymus cell populations, whereas loss of a single Trp53 allele similarly...
DAXX-ATRX regulation of p53 chromatin binding and DNA …
2022年8月26日 · Here, we show that DAXX and ATRX knock-out (KO) U87-T cells that have acquired ALT-like features have defects in p53 chromatin binding and DNA damage response. RNA-seq analysis revealed that...
Development of p53 knockout U87MG cell line for unbiased drug …
2021年5月20日 · In this study, we created multiple variants of U87MG cells with targeted mutation in the TP53 gene using the CRISPR-Cas9 system, and determined that their major transcriptional differences stem from the loss of p53 function.
Phenotyping analysis of p53 knockout mice produced by gene
2019年4月15日 · In this study, p53 KO mice were produced by gene editing and the phenotypes of tumorigenesis, tumor spectrum, and developmental abnormalities (representative phenotypes of p53) were analyzed and compared with the previously published results on …
Phenotyping analysis of p53 knockout mice produced by gene
Methods: We generated p53 KO mice through gene editing and compared their phenotype with the already reported HR-mediated p53 KO mice. Results: Tumors occurred in 36 (73%) of 49 homozygous KO mice and the mean age of occurrence was 23 weeks, with lymphoma (64%) and sarcoma (23%) being the most common.
Genes Dev:顾伟实验室解析p53抑癌功能的终极武器——铁死亡 …
2020年12月22日 · 超过一半的肿瘤患者带有p53突变。p53基因敲除 (KO) 小鼠会在发育早期就形成肿瘤。 自从1979年p53基因被发现以来,p53一直是分子生物学和肿瘤学的一个研究热门。在 Nature 杂志2017年的一项统计中,p53以绝对优势位列过去几十年最热门研究基因榜第一名。
重新界定铁死亡基本类型:顾伟实验室总结p53在铁死亡调节中的 …
2022年2月14日 · 近日,哥伦比亚大学医学中心 顾伟 教授及其博士后 刘彦卿 博士在 Cell Death & Differentiation 期刊发表了题为: p53 in ferroptosis regulation: the new weapon for the old guardian 的综述论文。 该综述 全面梳理总结了 p53在铁死亡调节中的复杂作用。 2012年以前,学界认为p53的诱导 细胞周期停滞, 衰老 或者 凋亡 (cell cycle arrest, senescence, and apoptosis) 已经足以解释其抑癌功能。 然而在2011-2013年,三项研究 (2篇Cell+1篇Cell …