P5B Deluxe - Support - ASUS
P5B Deluxe Product support for By registering your device, you can easily manage your product warranty, get technical support and keep track of your repair status.
ASUS P5B Deluxe - The Retro Web
ASUS P5B Deluxe is a motherboard based on the Intel P965 (Broadwater-P (RAID)) chipset. Get specs, BIOS, documentation and more!
【华硕P5B Deluxe】报价_参数_图片_论坛_(ASUS)华硕P5B Deluxe …
中关村在线为您提供华硕P5B Deluxe主板最新报价,同时包括华硕P5B Deluxe图片、华硕P5B Deluxe参数、华硕P5B Deluxe评测行情、华硕P5B Deluxe论坛、华硕P5B Deluxe点评和经销商价格等信息,为您购买华硕P5B Deluxe主板提供有价值的参考
ASUS P5B DELUXE USER MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
View and Download Asus P5B DELUXE user manual online. P5B Deluxe user's manual. P5B DELUXE motherboard pdf manual download. Also for: P5b delux.
User manual Asus P5B Deluxe (English - 164 pages)
The Asus P5B Deluxe motherboard is designed for ATX power sources. This motherboard features a range of connectivity options including USB ports, SATA connectors, and expansion slots for additional components.
P5B Deluxe - 服务支持 - 华硕商城
2009年2月11日 · 修正Conroe L CPU降倍频後频率会显示错误的现象. 1. 新增CPU控制微码支援新款CPU. 2. 修正系统搭配GV-MVP/RZ2外接式撷取装置,并在系统开机前开启该装置电源时, …
【华硕P5B Deluxe参数】ASUS P5B Deluxe主板参数_规格_性能_ …
ZOL中关村在线华硕P5B Deluxe主板参数提供最全的华硕P5B Deluxe参数、华硕P5B Deluxe规格、华硕P5B Deluxe性能、华硕P5B Deluxe功能介绍,为您购买华硕P5B Deluxe主板提供有价值的参考
P5B Deluxe - Support - ASUS
P5B Deluxe Product Support For By registering your device, you can easily manage your product warranty, get technical support and keep track of your repair status.
前言 - 超频极品,ASUS P5B Deluxe/WiFi-AP - 超能网
华硕 P5B Deluxe/WiFi-AP 主板的超频性能逐渐在广大玩家手中体现,本站也利用E6300处理器与之组建超频平台,成功上到530MHz外频的骄人记录,在没有MOD改造之下P5B表现实属令人异常兴奋。
产品赏析之华硕P5B Deluxe - 中关村在线
华硕P5B Deluxe主板搭配了目前最为顶级的ICH8R南桥芯片,提供了多达六组SATA2接口,接口传输速率高达3 GB/秒,同时支持RAID 0、1、0+1、5和10等多种磁盘阵列格式,有效的实现了数据保护,避免出现硬盘故障。