TLP621 Datasheet (PDF) - Toshiba Semiconductor
The TOSHIBA TLP621, −2 and −4 consists of a photo−transistor optically coupled to a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode. The TLP621−2 offers two isolated channels in an eight lead plastic DIP, which the TLP621−4 provides four isolated channels in a sixteen plastic DIP. Guangdong Youtai Semico... Part #: TLP621. Download. File Size: 425Kbytes.
The TOSHIBA TLP621, −2 and −4 consists of a photo−transistor optically coupled to a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode. DIP. Max.
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db92547 - Digi-Key
HIGH DENSITY MOUNTING PHOTOTRANSISTOR OPTICALLY COUPLED ISOLATORS. The TLP621, TLP621-2 , TLP621-4 series of optically coupled isolators consist of infrared light emitting diodes and NPN silicon photo transistors in space efficient dual in line plastic packages. 1.25. 9.86. ( Note 2 ) Emitter-collector Breakdown (BV. 5300 7500 5x1010.
TLP621 シリーズは、GaAs 赤外LEDとシリコンフォトトランジスタを組み合わせたフォトカプラで高絶縁耐圧 (交流 5 kVRMS. min) を備えております。 注 1: 製品形名を指定する場合、形名と分類名称を組み合わせてください。 製品適用例: TLP621 (GB)、TLP621−2 (GB) 注意: 安全規格認定のための形名申請は標準製品形名を使用してください。 ( 適用例) TLP621 (GB): TLP621. : 注 EN 60747-502認定品を採用する場合は“オプション (D4) 品”とご指定ください。 *4: Fタ …
The TLP621, TLP621-2 and TLP621-4 series of optically coupled isolator consist of an infrared light emitting diode and an NPN silicon photo transistor in a space efficient Dual In Line Plastic Package. Stresses exceeding the absolute maximum …
TLP621,TLP621 pdf,TLP621中文资料,TLP621引脚图,TLP621电 …
The TLP621−2 offers two isolated channels in an eight lead plastic DIP, which the TLP621−4 provides four isolated channels in a sixteen plastic DIP.
621-1.1 This item consists of providing a skid-resistant surface that prevents hydroplaning during wet weather in accordance with these specifications and at the locations shown on the plans, or as directed by the Engineer.
1感知IGBT方式 采用机型: P610/P611/P612/P621/P622. ・ 通过将内置于IGBT 芯片中的电流感知IGBT 上出现的感知电流加入到控制电路,对IGBT中的主电流进行检测。 感知电流与主电流相比非常小,因此与分流电阻方式相比,可以降低检测损耗。 ・ 在约5μs(tdoc) 期间内连续超过过电流保护Ioc 电平,则会软遮断IGBT。 由于装有检测滤波器,可以防止因瞬间过电流及噪声而导致的误动作。 ・ 约2ms 后下降到Ioc 以下,如果输入信号为OFF,则警报解除。 ・ 检测连接在直流N 母线线路 …
P621 Datasheet (PDF) - Hamamatsu Corporation
CdS photoconductive cells utilize photoconductive effects in semiconductors that decrease their resistance when illuminated by light. These sensors are non-polar resistive elements with …
P621,P621 pdf,P621中文资料,P621引脚图,P621电路_datasheet网
Features Applications l Variety of package size l Highly resistant to moisture and dust l Sensor for office machine l Safety device for heating system and boiler l Night/day check sensor and sunlight sensor for air conditioner l Alarm and safety sensor (flame monitor for oil burner) I Absolute maximum ratings / Characteristics (Typ. Ta=25 °...