p64 MW | p48 MW Flow Modulation Device - phenox
Bringing flow diversion to a new level. Enhanced safety in tortuous anatomy. Download the p64 MW | p48 MW Product Brochure here.
HPC – Hydrophilic Polymer Coating - phenox
The p64 MW HPC | p48 MW HPC Flow Modulation Device and pCONUS 1 and 2 HPC Bifurcation Aneurysm Implants have received the CE Mark (CE 0297). They are not approved for sale nor are they available for sale or use in the United States. Products and associated components are not available in all countries or regions.
Das p64 MW (HPC) Flow Modulation Device ist ein selbstexpandierendes, röhrenförmiges Gefäßimplantat und erlaubt die kontrollierte sowie selektive Modulation des Blutflusses in extra- und intrakraniellen Arterien. Die physikalischen Eigenschaften des p64 MW (HPC) bewirken zudem eine geringe Begradigung sowie eine Verstärkung des Zielgefäßes.
p64MW(HPC)系列 p64MW 是一個管狀血管植體,包含64 條鎳鈦交織線圈7,其覆蓋有白金芯,使其可見於X 射 線螢光鏡下。 p64MW HPC 系列的HPC coating (疏水性聚合物塗層)覆蓋整個植體7,減少初始血小板貼覆及 降低血栓形成的風險。
p48MW HPC和p64MW HPC血流导向装置联合单抗治疗前循环动 …
德国学者Bhogal P等开展研究,评估p48MW HPC和p64MW HPC血流导向装置联合普拉格雷治疗前循环动脉瘤的有效性与安全性。 研究回顾性分析相关数据,共24名患者。
亲水性聚合物涂层 p64 MW血流导向装置(HPC)和普拉格雷单抗 …
Hellstern评估了亲水性聚合物涂层 p64 MW血流导向装置(HPC)和普拉格雷单抗血小板治疗未破裂前循环动脉瘤安全性数据和短期闭塞率,发表在2022年《Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol》。
Coating (Coating to Optimize Aneurysm Treatment in the New …
COATING (Coating to Optimize Aneurysm Treatment in the New Flow Diverter Generation) is a prospective, randomized, multicenter trial that aims to determine whether the use of the coated flow diverter p64 MW HPC under SAPT is non-inferior (or even superior) to the use of the bare flow diverter p64 MW under DAPT in relation to thromboembolic and ...
The following applies only to p64 MW (HPC): A white Fluorosafe Marker on the transport tube identifies the position to which the implant can be advanced inside the microcatheter without the implant tip leaving the microcatheter.
带亲水聚合物涂层的血流导向装置单一抗血小板治疗急性破裂动脉 …
带有亲水性聚合物涂层(HPC)的p48 MW和p64 MW是新设计的、用于治疗颅内动脉瘤的血流导向装置,体外实验结果显示这种涂层具有抗血栓活性。 最近两项研究,报道了P48 MW HPC装置合并单一抗血小板治疗(SAPT)的良好疗效,但是没有针对p64 MW HPC FDS用于破裂动脉瘤 ...
Initial experience with the novel p64MW HPC flow diverter from a …
p64MW HPC is a new low-profile flow diverter with reduced thrombogenicity due to hydrophilic coating. The purpose of this study was to evaluate its safety and efficacy in Mongolian patients under dual antiplatelet therapy.
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