A new p65 isoform that bind the glucocorticoid hormone and is
2021年11月25日 · Here we show that in mice and humans there is a spliced variant of p65, named p65 iso5, which binds the corticosteroid hormone dexamethasone amplifying the effect of the glucocorticoid receptor...
Here we show that in mice and humans there is a spliced variant of p65, named p65 iso5, which binds the corticosteroid hormone dexamethasone amplifying the efect of the glucocorticoid receptor...
Genomic organization of the gene encoding the p65 subunit of …
The human gene consists of ten exons and spans about 8.1 kbp of DNA. The exon-intron organization in the rel homology domain (exons 2 to 7) is conserved when compared to human and turkey c-rel, strengthening the evolutionary relationship between p65 and c-rel.
Fabry Disease and Inflammation: Potential Role of p65 iso5, an
2025年2月6日 · This new isoform is characterized by the presence of a new exon, named exon −1, located upstream of the first known exon of p65 (exon 0). The presence of exon −1 induces a splicing event between exon −1 and exon 1, leading to the exclusion of exon 0 where the translation start site of p65 is contained.
CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing induces exon skipping by ...
Here we show that CRISPR-mediated editing of mammalian exons can induce exon skipping. Exon skipping can result from alternative splicing or from genomic deletions that remove exons. Moreover, exon skipping can produce messenger RNAs (mRNAs) with intact reading frames that encode functional proteins. Results
Cloning of the murine relA (p65 NF-κB) gene and ... - ScienceDirect
1996年10月17日 · A murine genomic clone encoding the relA (p65 NF-κB) locus was isolated and characterized. The clone spanned about 20 kb and included at least 10 exons and the relA promoter. Sequencing of the promoter region revealed the presence of a murine-specific intron of 546 bp intervening the homologue of human exon 1.
Inflammation drives alternative first exon usage to regulate …
2021年5月28日 · We identified a conserved mechanism of gene regulation in human and mouse via changes in alternative first exon (AFE) usage following inflammation, resulting in changes to the isoforms produced.
p65信号动力学通过细胞周期调控驱动造血干细胞和祖细胞的发育 …
2024年9月6日 · 我们揭示NF-kB信号传导作为一个时钟,通过两个抑制细胞周期的p65活性波控制造血干细胞和祖细胞(HSPC)的发育进程。 Temporal disruption of each wave results in contrasting phenotypic outcomes: loss of HSPCs due to impaired specification versus proliferative expansion and failure to delaminate from their niche.
Nested RT-PCR analysis of p65 iso5 expression in RNA
Using nested PCR with primers specific for exon − 1 and exon 5-10, the entire transcripts containing the − 1 exon were found both in mouse and human brains RNA (Fig. 2a). p65 iso5 appears...
NF-κB p65 serine 467 phosphorylation sensitizes mice
2017年10月1日 · Phosphorylation of p65 S467 is required for accurate selective NF-κB-mediated gene expression. p65 serine 467 phosphorylation improves de novo p65 protein synthesis. Preventing phosphorylation of p65 S467 diminishes the inflammatory response. Phosphorylation of p65 S467 protects mouse fibroblast cells to TNF-induced apoptosis.