P90 | Call of Duty Wiki | Fandom
The P90 is a bullpup submachine gun featured in many games of the Modern Warfare series, as well as in Call of Duty Online and Call of Duty: Mobile. It is also briefly seen in Call of Duty: Ghosts. "Fully automatic with a high capacity...
P90(现代战争) - 使命召唤 中文维基 | 決勝時刻 | Call of Duty | COD …
P90是一把低威力高射速的冲锋枪,其基础伤害表现需要4枪才能击毙近距离的敌人,远距离伤害与其他大多数冲锋枪一致,需要5枪命中方可毙命。 停止作用 技能则可以大幅提升其威力表现,使得几乎在全距离上保证P90的毙敌需求弹药数减少一发。 爆头加成为本作常规的1.4倍,因此爆头伤害也比较有用。 射速上,P90拥有高达每分钟900多发的射速表现,次于 Mini-Uzi,但实际使用起来玩家并不会感受到射速的差异。 另外,P90的后坐力相对比Mini-Uzi而言要好控制很多,比较 …
P90(现代战争2019) - 使命召唤 中文维基 | 決勝時刻 | Call of Duty | COD …
P90是《现代战争2019》中的一把冲锋枪。 P90算作一把小威力型的冲锋枪,不结合加成需要4-5-6-7枪毙命。 和本作多数冲锋枪一样,打中四肢部位会有伤害衰减,实战中需要尽量瞄准躯干射击。 P90的射程也较近,基本只适用于中近距离交火。 最大伤害射程仅约13米。 特殊的是,P90拥有非常高的膛口初速,理论上可以更容易地命中中远距离目标。 小威力的P90拥有较高的射速,用以平衡综合的输出能力。 后坐力方面,即便射速较高,连续开火时P90的子弹散布也非常密 …
P90 | Weapon Blueprints in COD Modern Warfare and Warzone | Call of Duty
Here you can find all the weapon statistics and the complete Weapon Blueprints list for the P90. Automatic bullpup submachine gun. A Unique top mounted magazine hold carries ample high velocity 5.7x28mm ammunition. The P90 is a weapon featured in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Warzone, it is one of the SMGs available in the game.
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5 best P90 SMG classes and attachment loadouts in Modern Warfare
2020年1月29日 · While not heralded like the MP5 of MP7, the P90 is one of the strongest SMGs available in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. To help you dominate games with this weapon, we’ve put together the best...
Best Warzone PDSW 528 (P90) loadout - Gfinity Esports
2022年11月11日 · Armed with a huge magazine and fast rate of fire, the PDSW 528 is arguably the best SMG to use and with the right attachments equipped, it's very easy to score plenty of kills.
P90 Best Class Setups & Attachments Modern Warfare
2024年12月11日 · Finally, we provide our top 3 P90 class setups that will have you beasting in no time. The P90 is a great SMG for running and gunning in close-quarter combat. Weapon background. The P90 is a fully automatic submachine gun in Call of Duty Modern Warfare. It first made its Call of Duty debut in COD 4 Modern Warfare. The first MW installment in 2007.
P90 - Best Loadout & Attachments | Call of Duty Modern Warfare …
2022年8月21日 · Check Out P90 SMG in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare & Warzone 2021! Find info on the Warzone / Modern Warfare best loadout, how to unlock, unlock level, & setup!
P90 - COD Tracker - COD Warzone Tracker
An automatic bullpup submachine gun. The unique top mounted magazine hold carries ample high velocity 5.7 x 28mm ammunition.
Call of Duty P90 Guide: Tips, Tricks, and Best Attachments
2024年11月19日 · Learn everything about the Call of Duty P90, including best loadouts, attachments, and tips to dominate close-range combat in every game. The P90 is a fully automatic bullpup submachine gun equipped with a unique top …