Community Bible Church - Home
For over 70 years, we've been helping real people just like you Love God, Love Others, and Reach Out. We're passionate about connection, our community, and pouring into the next generations. Join us for Easter - We would love to have you! Learn More. WHAT ARE MY NEXT STEPS? Starting your journey at CBC doesn't have to be difficult!
Community Bible Church - new home page - cbcpa.org
We exist to glorify God by uniting a community of Christ-followers who Love God, Love Others, and Reach Out. We hope you will sense that we are a "come as you are" church with no pretense! Who is Jesus? Access the digital version of the program with our weekly announcements of what’s happening with helpful links and resources.
Central Baptist Church PGH | A church with a vision, A people with …
Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Phone: 412.566.1437 Fax: 412.471.2568 Email: [email protected]
Community Bible Church - Tunkhannock, PA
Our purpose is to glorify God and to do so by coming together in worship, building up one another in the faith, promoting the study and teaching of the Bible, and evangelization of the lost, both …
Community Baptist Church | Bristol, PA
Community Baptist Church is located in Bristol, PA. The purpose of this church is to win the lost to Christ, build the believer in Christ and equip the saints for service. Working together in love and unity we are a church mindful of its mission, which is to go ye therefore making disciples of all men with the hope of the gospel.
Community Bible Church | Glorifying God by producing mature …
We exist to glorify God by producing mature followers of Jesus Christ. We do this by. Sharing the Gospel with our Community. If you’ve been following God your entire life, you’re welcome here. If you’re new to faith, you’re welcome here. If you’re not really sure you believe in …
Home - Calvary Bible Church
Set up automatic monthly giving, give one time, or register and pay for an event. Call the office Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, at 717-632-3954, or click below to send us a message. See the whats, whens, and wheres. There’s something for everyone! To know Him and make Him known. All Rights Reserved.
Calvary Baptist Church | Welcome
At Calvary Baptist Church, we want the entire family to worship the Lord with us. Our services are designed to exalt, and magnify the Lord Jesus Christ! Our clean, cheerful, well-staffed, nurseries allow parents to worship with peace of mind.
Community Bible Church, Marietta, PA | Marietta PA - Facebook
As CBC draws near to its 75th Anniversary in 2026, we continue to have a heart and passion to reach our community and the younger generations with the gospel of Jesus Christ. These include, starting a new church that is within 30 minutes of CBC in an area where a healthy, gospel-centered church doesn’t already exist.
Calvary Baptist Church of Allentown, PA
Calvary Baptist Church is an American Baptist fellowship in South Whitehall, PA focused on growing lives by embracing everyone with the love of Christ.