Request a Copy of Driver Records | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - PA.GOV
You can request, download, and print your driver records online. If you need a copy of your driver record, you can request it online. Be sure to check the system requirements on the login page. …
Visit us at www.dmv.pa.gov or call us at: 717-412-5300 ♦ TDD: 711 * Businesses who obtain driver records for the purpose of employment or insurance are now able to obtain and print these records, in real time, through our enhanced Online Services.
Forms and Publications | Driver and Vehicle Services - PA.GOV
Forms and Publications. ATTENTION: If you speak another language other than English, language assistance services can be made available to you. Call 717-787-5891.
Welcome - Individual Driver Records - pa
Using this service will allow Pennsylvania Drivers to download their Driver Record online and print the record at the end of a successful order. Before proceeding please review the System Requirements (listed below) in order to successfully complete this process.
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Agents must obtain the customer's signature of authorization in order to access any driver and/or vehicle information needed to assist in a motor vehicle or driver license transaction. This form may be emailed or faxed to an authorized agent of PennDOT. Please contact the authorized agent for email or fax information.
Forms and Publications | Department of Transportation - PA.GOV
Use the search bar on this page to search for a specific form, publication, or fact sheet. You can also click the "Sort & Filter" button underneath the search bar to sort by relevance or alphabetically or filter by document type or topic.
For a complete listing of motor vehicle fees, refer to Form MV-70S, "Bureau of Motor Vehicles Schedule of Fees," found on our website at www.dmv.pa.gov or scan the QR code on the front of this application.
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PennDOT Form MV-39
Visit us at www.dmv.pa.gov or call us at 717-412-5300. TTY callers — please dial 711 to reach us.
Verification motor vehicle of dealer. the VIN can be done by authorized vehicle safety inspection mechanics and notaries public employed by a full agent or IF THE 2ND BLOCK IS CHECKED ON REVERSE - Certificate of title and $53 title fee MUST be attached.
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PennDOT Form MV-13ST
INSTRUCTIONS This or Applicant form must Summary be completed Statement, by all transferees and transferors and submitted with Form MV-1, MV-4ST purposes of Pennsylvania Sales and Use any transfer Tax is claimed. for which NOTE: a gift Individuals exemption (Exemption 13) for License (PA DL) or Photo ID# in the space provided.