Home - Exam Master PA-CAT
PA-CAT Exam is a 240-item assessment covering 9 science subject areas; Administered to thousands of PA candidates since May 2020; Available at over 5,000 testing centers and at home through remote proctoring; Cost: $257 (includes the test center fee for standard administration) Learn about our Fee Assistance Program. Free PA-CAT Study Resources ...
About the PA-CAT - Exam Master PA-CAT
Exam Master’s Physician Assistant College Admission Test (PA-CAT) is a specialized discipline-specific exam that is designed to measure applicant knowledge and application in key prerequisite science subjects typically required for PA school.
Register and Schedule - Exam Master PA-CAT
PA-CAT Exam is a 240-item assessment covering 9 science subject areas; Administered to thousands of PA candidates since May 2020; Available at over 5,000 testing centers and at home through remote proctoring; Cost: $257 (includes the test center fee for standard administration) Learn about our Fee Assistance Program. Free PA-CAT Study Resources ...
Preparing for the PA-CAT - Exam Master PA-CAT
The PA-CAT Handbook provides comprehensive guidance on preparing for and understanding the Physician Assistant College Admission Test, including test content, format, and study strategies.
Scoring and Reporting - Exam Master PA-CAT
Scoring results in Anatomy and Physiology, Biology, and Chemistry have the most impact on your overall PA-CAT score. How will PA programs use my PA-CAT score as part of their admissions decisions? PA Programs evaluate a variety of criteria and candidate qualifications in order to determine if a candidate is a good fit for their program.
2020年2月7日 · Assistant College Admission Test). The PA-CAT is a specialized test designed to measure applicant knowledge in key prerequisite science subjects typically required for PA school. For information about the PA-CAT, visit their website.
The PA-CAT exam is administered at Prometric testing centers across the US. To find testing centers near you, visit the Prometric website (prometric.com/test-takers/search) and select the PA-CAT exam. Click the action buttons on the left and follow the instructions for finding a center and scheduling your exam.
2020年3月27日 · The PA-CAT is a standardized assessment of 240 multiple-choice questions with an allotted time frame of 4.5 hours. This includes exam time, tutorials, and post-exam survey.
The Physician Assistant College Admission Test (PA -CAT®) is a specialized test that is designed to measure applicant knowledge and application in key prerequisite science subjects typically required for PA school. The PA -CAT measures general academic ability and scientific knowledge necessary for success
Candidate Support - Exam Master PA-CAT
To access your PA-CAT Study Resources, you need to be registered to take the PA-CAT exam. After you complete your registration, log into your Candidate Score portal at pa-cat.com and click on the link located on your dashboard.