| Pennsylvania One Call System
Pennsylvania One Call System, Inc. dba Pennsylvania 811 Our purpose is to prevent damage to underground facilities. To promote safety, we provide an efficient
Excavators | Pennsylvania One Call System
Excavators. Any person who or which performs excavation or demolition work for himself or for another person. Notification for excavation work must be made not less than 3 business days nor more than 10 business days prior to commencing excavation work starting the day the notification is received according to the Pennsylvania Underground Utility Line Protection (UULP) law.
Contact Us | Pennsylvania One Call System
Contact Us Dial 8-1-1 or 1-800-242-1776 Planning to dig, you will need to have the underground lines marked. Designing a project, no matter how big or small, you need to know the location of the underground lines.
Login | Pennsylvania One Call System
Pennsylvania One Call System, Inc. dba Pennsylvania 811 Our purpose is to prevent damage to underground facilities. To promote safety, we provide an efficient
Excavator Handbook | Pennsylvania One Call System
What do I need to do before I dig? Answer: Place a call to 8-1-1 at least 3 business days, but not more than 10 business days, prior to starting excavation. Section 5 Clauses 2.1 and 2.2 of PA Act 287 of 1974 as amended states: "It shall be the duty of each excavator who intends to perform excavation or demolition work within this Commonwealth:
User Guide Text | Pennsylvania One Call System
Apr 24, 2023 · Use color-coded surface marks (paint or similar coating) to indicate the location and route of buried lines. To increase visibility, color-coded vertical markers (temporary stakes or flags) should supplement surface marks.
Facility Owners | Pennsylvania One Call System
Online Ticket Management Pennsylvania 811 is excited to welcome you to Online Ticket Management (OTM), a new web application designed to easily combine ticket activities such as Facility Owner Member Web Access, Excavator/Designer Web Access, Web Ticket Response, and Tickets Nearby into one application.
About | Pennsylvania One Call System
One Call was created as a sub-committee of the Pittsburgh Public Service Coordinating Committee in 1968. Operations were established in September 1972 and the service covered 6 utilities serving Allegheny County in Southwestern Pennsylvania.
Frequently Asked Questions | Pennsylvania One Call System
Those digging are required to place a notification a minimum of three (3) business days, but not more than ten (10) business days prior to the start of excavation. A business day is any day except Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday prescribed by statute in the law.
Any drawing that is pre pared for an excavation requires a Design Notification that must comply with the provisions in Section 4 of the Act. The Design Notice is meant to allow the designer to plan the new work around existing facilities as the Act prescribesThe .