pa1 - 芯片丝印反查 - 芯片丝印反查网 - smdmark.com
丝印反查型号型号查询丝印 手气不错 搜索 pa1 共找到 48 条数据 丝印代码 型号 厂家 封装 脚针数 描述 资料 操作 PA1 DMG1013T
pA1 SMD marking code, cross reference, replace part, description …
Replace parts, characteristics and equivalent for pA1
The first 2 symbol marking SMD - s-manuals.com
Marking smdThe first 2 symbol marking SMD
The SMD components marking codes database - Starting with 'PA'
A searchable database of electronics SMD components marking codes. Starting with 'PA'.
PA1 SMD Search Results - The Datasheet Archive
View results and find pa1 smd datasheets and circuit and application notes in pdf format.
PTSM 0,5/ 3-2,5-H SMD PA1,3R44 - PCB terminal block
PCB terminal block, nominal current: 6 A, rated voltage (III/2): 160 V, nominal cross section: 0.5 mm 2, number of potentials: 2, number of rows: 1, number of positions per row: 3, product range: PTSM 0,5/..-H-SMD, pitch: 2.5 mm, connection method: Push-in spring connection, mounting: SMD soldering, conductor/PCB connection direction: 0 ...
SMD 超薄型高电流电感器 TPSPA - 德铭特电子
德铭特电子超薄型大电流功率电感器 TPSPA 系列,大电流、低直流阻抗、高频率,SMD 贴片型,易散热性、高可靠性,主要应用于个人电脑及笔记型电脑,PC显示卡,VGA 模组。
PA • SMD-Code-Index • SMD Code Reference • The Solid-State …
Last modified: 2023-01-07 (20884)A.9.2 SMD-Codes SMD Code ReferenceHalbleitertabellen - Index
PCB terminal block, nominal current: 6 A, nom. voltage: 160 V, pitch: 2.5 mm, number of positions: 3, connection method: Push-in spring connection, mounting: SMD soldering, conductor/PCB connection direction: 0 °, color: black
4.2.4 24 MHz Crystal - onlinedocs.microchip.com
PA0 and PA1 are disconnected from the edge connector by default to reduce the chance of an external signal causing contention with the crystal and to remove excessive capacitance on the lines.