Pas mal | Meaning in English & Examples - All About French
"Pas mal" is the French way to say "Not bad", typically after someone asks you "Ça va ? " (How are you?). But it can be used in many other cases and can also mean "Nice job / Way to go " or even "Quite a bit " depending on the context.
Understanding the French Expression "Pas Mal" - ThoughtCo
2018年5月14日 · The French expression pas mal (pronounced "pah-mahl") is a handy phrase to know because you can use it in a variety of ways in casual conversation. Literally translated, it means "not bad" in English and can be used to respond to common questions such as ça va? or comment allez-vous?
「Pas mal」和「pas terrible」有什么区别? - 知乎专栏
L'expression "C'est pas mal" veut dire « un peu mieux que "mal" » (donc moyen ou bon), et l'expression "C'est pas terrible" veut dire « un peu mieux que "Très mauvais" », donc mauvais ou moyen...
动物建模| 盘点肺动脉高压的几种建模方法 - 知乎
肺动脉高压 ( pah) 指肺动脉压力异常升高的一种血流动力学和病理生理状态,是一种致命性心肺疾病,最新流行病学数据显示特发性和遗传性 pah 发病率为每百万居民 5 例,患病率为每百万居民 25 例,并且逐年增加趋势…
法语助手|法汉-汉法词典 pas mal是什么意思_pas mal的中文解释和发音_pas mal的翻译_pas mal …
『法语助手』为您提供pas mal的用法讲解,告诉您准确全面的pas mal的中文意思,pas mal的读音,pas mal的同义词,pas mal的反义词,pas mal的例句。
Pas mal - Lawless French Expression - Pas mal de
Pas mal (with verbs) and pas mal de (with nouns) are adverbs of quantity meaning "quite a bit" or "a fair amount." Par exemple… Elle travaille pas mal le week-end. She works quite a bit on the weekend. On peut épargner pas mal avec un peu d’effort. You can save a fair amount of money with a little effort. Je fais pas mal de cuisine.
English translation of 'pas mal' - Collins Online Dictionary
Où est-ce que tu as mal ? Where does it hurt? J’ai mal. It hurts. J’ai mal ici. It hurts here. Je me suis fait mal au bras. I hurt my arm. Il s’est donné beaucoup de mal pour que cette soirée soit réussie. He went to a lot of trouble to make the party a success. Ce travail a été mal fait. The work has been badly done. Il comprend mal.
What does pas mal mean in French? - WordHippo
Need to translate "pas mal" from French? Here are 5 possible meanings.
pas mal translation in English | French-English dictionary - Reverso
pas mal translation in French - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'faux pas, mauvais pas, n'est-ce pas, ne sait pas', examples, definition, conjugation
pas mal法语什么意思 - m.dandanzkw.com
2023年7月7日 · “pas mal”是法语中一个常用的表达方式,它作为一个短语,经常出现在口语中,拥有着特定的意义和用法。它的字面意思是“不坏”或“不错”,但在法语中,它的实际含义要更为复杂。
The breath print represents a novel biomarker of malnutrition in ...
Patients were categorized into one of four groups: pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), PAH with malnutrition (PAH-Mal), Control, and Control with malnutrition, based on malnutrition diagnosis present in the patient's chart. Principle component analysis was conducted to characterize the breath print.
肺高血压的定义、分类和亚洲流行病学数据 - 腾讯网
2022年12月9日 · 肺动脉高压(Pulmonary arterial hypertension,PAH)是PH的一类,以远端肺动脉原发性病变为主要特征,肺血管扩张药物治疗有效。 肺高血压及肺动脉高压的血流动力学定义最近发生了变化,这一变化使更多的病例被识别并在早期得到治疗。 血流动力学定义. 2018年第六届世界肺动脉高压研讨会(6th WSPH)提出了平均肺动脉压(mPAP)>20mm Hg的新的血流动力学阈值。 新的血流动力学定义下调了mPAP阈值,更多的PH患者能够被早期发现、早期治 …
肺动脉高压 (pah) 是一种严重的临床综合征,其特征是肺血管阻力增加,导致右心衰竭和死亡。本研究的目的研究初始安立生坦联合 pde5i 联合治疗对重度 pah 患者 rvpac 的影响和临床相关性。
Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
2021年10月11日 · Patients were categorized into one of four groups: pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), PAH with malnutrition (PAH-Mal), control, and control with malnutrition (Control-Mal), based on the malnutrition diagnosis present in the patient's chart.
The breath print represents a novel biomarker of malnutrition in ...
Patients were categorized into one of four groups: pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), PAH with malnutrition (PAH-Mal), control, and control with malnutrition (Control-Mal), based on the malnutrition diagnosis present in the patient’s chart.
Pah.Mal - SoundCloud
2025年2月11日 · Play Pah.Mal and discover followers on SoundCloud | Stream tracks, albums, playlists on desktop and mobile.
Pulmonary arterial hypertension: updates in epidemiology and …
Group 1 pulmonary hypertension (or pulmonary arterial hypertension) is a rare, highly complex, and progressive disorder that is incurable and ultimately can lead to premature death. PAH causes significant physical, social, work, and emotional burdens among affected patients and …
WHO Group I Pulmonary Hypertension: Epidemiology and Pathophysiology
Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a debilitating disease characterized by pathological remodeling of the resistance pulmonary arteries, ultimately leading to right ventricular (RV) failure and death . In this review, we discuss the definition of PAH, the initial epidemiology based on the NIH Registry and the updated epidemiology gleaned ...
Pulmonary arterial hypertension: pathogenesis and clinical management …
Pulmonary hypertension is defined as a resting mean pulmonary artery pressure of 25 mm Hg or above. This review deals with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), a type of pulmonary hypertension that primarily affects the pulmonary vasculature. In ...
Pulmonary arterial hypertension - Wikipedia
Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) is a syndrome in which the blood pressure in the pulmonary arteries and pulmonary arterioles (the blood vessels located proximal to the capillary bed, the site of oxygen exchange in the lungs) is elevated.