Patch 25.05 PBE Preview - MOBAFire
2025年3月3日 · Read up on all the new PBE changes to get up to date on the upcoming Patch 25.05. Highlights include new Grand Reckoning skins, anti-laneswap Turret changes, champion price reduction, the return of Hextech Chests, and more!
Patch 25.06 Notes - League of Legends
4 天之前 · Smolder's been the opposite of on fire recently which is ironic given his name, so we're looking to buff up the areas that aren't hitting the bar we'd like. His W is below the bar for last hitting early game, his E bolts aren't worth using offensively, and now that his R doesn't cook waves, it doesn't need to have a long cooldown throughout the ...
PBE Changes | League of Legends Wiki
2 天之前 · At maximum stacks, her next basic attack will fire a Headshot dealing bonus physical damage that scales with her critical strike chance. On trapped or netted targets, she gains another Headshot at extra attack range .
关于英雄联盟PBE的一切你需要知道 - Eloking
2025年1月19日 · 公共测试环境(PBE)是一个独立的服务器,Riot Games在正式发布之前测试其即将推出的英雄联盟内容。它包含新的英雄、皮肤以及游戏玩法的调整。PBE作为一个测试场,发挥着重要的作用,让Riot能够修复错误,进行调整,并在正式发布之前稳定补丁。
League of Legends PBE Client Download
2024年6月29日 · You no longer need a separate client to get into the PBE! Just follow these steps: Log into the Riot Client using your PBE Account; Select League of Legends; Click the small down arrow to the right of the Play button and choose League of Legends PBE; Enjoy! If you have any other questions about the League of Legends PBE, see our Public Beta ...
Patch 14.24 PBE Preview - MOBAFire
2024年12月2日 · Read up on all the new PBE changes to get up to date on the upcoming 14.24 Patch, including new Arcane skins, Viktor's VGU, Summoner Rift's Noxus Takeover, Fractured Jinx's release, and more!
TFT Set 14 Reveal – Cyber City: New Champs, Traits, & More
6 天之前 · The Set 14 PBE will be available on March 19th. TFT Set 14 Mechanic: Hacks. Throughout a game, various “Hacks” will appear (usually 3) to affect a variety of core systems such as Augments, shops, loot, and more. ... BoomBots fire a missile every 400 damage dealt at a nearby enemy that deals magic damage. 10% of damage taken contributes to ...
Patch 25.S1.4 PBE Preview - MOBAFire
2025年2月19日 · Read up on all the new PBE changes to get up to date on the upcoming Patch 25.S1.4. Highlights include new Masked Justice skins and long-awaited Mel adjustments.
专解小白疑惑!《英雄联盟PBE美测服》从注册到进入游戏手把手 …
LOL美服英雄联盟PBE测试服下载【官方】 - pclol.cc
目前lol英雄联盟外服客户端已经整合在了一起,实现 帐号区分客户端。 例如:你帐号是pbe的,客户端是美服的,这样你用pbe帐号登录美服客户端的话,那这个客户端就是pbe测试服的了。 PBE帐号购买: https://uu.pbelol.com/ 官方安装分流下载不限速: League of Legends installer PBE.exe. 加入群聊【LOL美服】: 953457592. 视频教程: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1mK411M7zc/ 1.美服官方提供的下载安装程序: