IMAGE - Integrated Model to Assess the Global Environment | PBL ...
IMAGE is an integrated assessment modeling framework that simulates the environmental consequences of human activities worldwide. It represents interactions between society, the biosphere and the climate system to assess sustainability issues such as climate change, biodiversity and human well-being.
IMAGE framework - IMAGE - PBL Planbureau voor de …
IMAGE is a comprehensive, integrated modelling framework of interacting human and natural systems. Its design relies on intermediate complexity modelling, balancing the level of detail to capture critical processes and behaviour, and allowing for multiple runs to explore aspects of sensitivity and uncertainty of the complex, interlinked systems ...
About IMAGE - PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
IMAGE is an ecological-environmental model framework that simulates the environmental consequences of human activities worldwide. It represents interactions between society, the biosphere and the climate system to assess sustainability issues such as climate change, biodiversity and human well-being.
Welcome to IMAGE 3.3 Documentation - IMAGE - PBL …
IMAGE (Integrated Model to Assess the Global Environment) is an integrated assessment model that simulates the environmental consequences of human activities worldwide. It represents interactions between society, the biosphere and the climate system to assess sustainability issues such as climate change, biodiversity and human well-being.
Download - IMAGE - PBL Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving
Additional scenario data for SSP1, SSP3, SSP4 and SSP5 are available on request. Please contact the IMAGE team at [email protected]. Available projects. You can download the viewer packages from this page: Download packages. There are currently three packages available: USS_IMAGE3.0: viewer for SSP2 scenarios:
IMAGE: Integrated Model to Assess the Global Environment | PBL ...
IMAGE is a dynamic integrated assessment modeling framework for global change. The main objectives of IMAGE are to contribute to scientific understanding and support decision-making by quantifying the relative importance of major processes …
IMAGE framework/IMAGE 3.0 in a nutshell - IMAGE - models.pbl.nl
IMAGE 3.0 is a comprehensive integrated modelling framework of interacting human and natural systems. The model framework is suited to large scale (primarily global) and long-term (up to the year 2100) assessments of interactions between human development and the natural environment. It integrates a range of sectors, ecosystems and indicators.
IMAGE is an ecological-environmental model framework that simulates the environmental consequences of human activities worldwide. It represents interactions between society, the biosphere and the climate system to assess sustainability issues such as climate change, biodiversity and human well-being.
Data | PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
IMAGE has several downloadable data items available. Listed below are the IMAGE data viewer USS, the KNMI datacenter for spatial data, the IIASA database with scenario data, and renewable energy data under different climate change scenarios.
IMAGE - IAMC-Documentation
IMAGE is an ecological-environmental model framework that simulates the environmental consequences of human activities worldwide. The objective of the IMAGE model is to explore the long- term dynamics and impacts of global changes that result. More specifically, the model aims