California Legislative Information
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Penal Code § 594 PC – California Vandalism Laws - Shouse Law …
(b) (1) If the amount of defacement, damage, or destruction is four hundred dollars ($400) or more, vandalism is punishable by imprisonment pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section 1170 or in a county jail not exceeding one year, or by a fine of not more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000), or if the amount of defacement, damage, or destruction is...
California Code, Penal Code - PEN § 594 - FindLaw
2023年1月1日 · (b) (1) If the amount of defacement, damage, or destruction is four hundred dollars ($400) or more, vandalism is punishable by imprisonment pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section 1170 or in a county jail not exceeding one year, or by a fine of not more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000), or if the amount of defacement, damage, or destruction is...
California Penal Code § 594 (2024) :: 2024 California Code - Justia Law
2002年1月1日 · 594. (a) Every person who maliciously commits any of the following acts with respect to any real or personal property not his or her own, in cases other than those specified by state law, is guilty of vandalism: (1) Defaces with graffiti …
CALCRIM No. 2900. Vandalism (Pen. Code, § 594) - Justia
2025年2月20日 · Code, § 594(b)(1) & (2)(A).) If the defendant is charged with a felony, then the
CA Penal Code Section 594 - California.Public.Law
2023年8月19日 · (b) (1)If the amount of defacement, damage, or destruction is four hundred dollars ($400) or more, vandalism is punishable by imprisonment pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section 1170 or in a county jail not exceeding one year, or by a fine of not more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000), or if the amount of defacement, damage, or destruction is ...
Vandalism | PC 594 & PC 594(a) Defense, Sentence ... - Criminal …
When PC 594 (b) (1) is charged as a felony the defendant may face up to three (3) years in county jail. Whether or not a misdemeanor or felony vandalism crime will be charged under PC 594 (b) (1) depends largely on the defendant criminal history and the egregiousness of the crime.
CALCRIM No. 2901. Vandalism: Amount of Damage (Pen. Code, § 594(b)(1))
2025年2月20日 · Code, § 594 (b) (1)) was $400 or mor e. [If you decide that the amount of damage was $400. damage [ (in each count/in Count [s] )] was also $10,000 or mor e.] reasonable doubt. If the People have not met this burden, you must find. that this allegation has not been proved. The court has a sua sponte duty to instruct on these sentencing factors.
Vandalism Laws (PC 594) in California - IE Criminal Defense
If you are charged and convicted of PC 594(b)(1). you are being charged with a felony offense because the alleged damage is more than $400. If convicted of a felony charge here, you could be sentenced up to sixteen months, two years, or three years in State Prison.
I Was Arrested For Vandalism, Can I Avoid Jail Time? PC 594
Under Penal Code 594 (b) (1), a felony conviction for vandalism can be punished by up to three years in county jail. A misdemeanor conviction for vandalism can be punished by up to one year in county jail. Under section 594 (b) (1), the court may also impose a $10,000 fine.