Harassment, Stalking, Misconduct - TheLaw.com
2009年6月23日 · My jurisdiction is: CA (Sacramento County) I cannot find what the punishment/sentencing is/would be for violation of Penal Code § 647(h). I do know it is a misdemeanor, however, is it more of an infraction so that …
Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication - 647(F) PC Disorderly …
2013年5月13日 · I was drunk with my friend in Alameda County Ca. on a Saturday night and we left a bar to walk home. A policeman stopped us and ask if we were drunk. I said what do you think we just left a bar and why was he f______ with us. He arrested me and I was charged with Disorderly conduct: Intox...
Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication 647 (f) pc drunk in public
2017年1月5日 · Here is the statute pertaining to your 647 (f) drunk in public citation. PENAL CODE OF CALIFORNIA PART 1. OF CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS [25 - 680] TITLE 15. MISCELLANEOUS CRIMES [626 - 653.75] CHAPTER 2. Of Other and Miscellaneous Offenses [639 - 653.2] 647. Except as provided in paragraph (5) of subdivision (b) and subdivision (l), …
Harassment, Stalking, Misconduct - Homeless in Tents: Violation of ...
2013年3月1日 · In Venice, CA, law officers are currently citing homeless individuals who pitch small tents on sidewalks, which do not block the sidewalk from use by pedestrians in any way, as violating California Penal Code 647e. Here is a copy: 647. Except as provided in …
Fraud and Misrepresentation: Civil & Criminal Offenses
2014年5月26日 · Fraud involves dishonest and deceptive conduct by a person or a party for the purpose of obtaining an unfair and unlawful gain. The act can constitute both a crime and a civil wrong. Detecting fraud can be difficult and sometimes it is never...
a lawsuit, which will set the precedent - TheLaw.com
2001年7月18日 · This has a very real possibility to cost the admins / mods a whole bunch of time and money -- not because the lawsuit will win (The aim of this sort of suit (called a SLAPP, strategic lawsuit against public participation) is to cause others to be afraid to criticize the party suing for fear of also being sued) but because the costs to defend would be so great.
Sex Crimes, Sex Offenders - 19 year old Son in trouble for kissing a ...
2008年11月29日 · I don't know anything about the law but I know enough to know that my 19 year old son is in trouble. We are in Alabama. My Son has never been in trouble with the police before. He has been accused of kissing a 13 year old girl. There is …
sheriffs have authority to enforce vehicle code violations?
2017年8月16日 · Government Code 26613 Sheriff did not have authority to issue a expired registration. Who is liable? The Sheriffs or the Board of Supervisors?
Child Custody & Visitation - TheLaw.com
2024年11月21日 · Legal issues surrounding which parent bears the duty of care and has the right to make decisions for the child. Also concerns custody orders, child visitation rights, see also guardianship law.
Son charged for crime he did not commit, is this possible?
2009年11月5日 · Moderator The DA is correct. Your son was a conspirator, more or less. This is another felony (PC 182). HE had a part in the bike theft even though he was not the one that took it. I am not sure if you realize that your son committed a felony when he …