Chemistry – A European Journal
2013年9月13日 · In a novel electron-donor–acceptor conjugate, phthalocyanine (Pc) and perylenediimide (PDI) are connected through a trans-platinum(II) diacetylide linker to yield Pc-Pt-PDI 1.
EndoPDI/PC-PDI is a novel member of the protein disulfide …
2006年4月15日 · We here describe a novel molecular chaperone whose expression is up-regulated in tumors. Endothelial protein disulfide isomerase (EndoPDI) [plasma cell protein disulfide isomerase (PC-PDI)] is a novel member of the protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) family of oxido-reductase chaperone proteins.
工厂里PMC、PC、MC、PE、PM、PD分别是什么意思? - 腾讯云
2020年3月20日 · PMC即Product material control (生产及物料控制)的缩写形式。 是指对生产的计划与生产进度,以及物料的计划、跟踪、收发、存储、使用等各方面的监督与管理和废料的预防处理工作。 PC:product control (生产控制/产品管制)生产控制或生产管制(台、日资公司俗称生管)也有的叫“生产计划员”,主要职能是生产的计划与生产的进度控制。 MC:Material Control物料控制(俗称物控)主要职能是物料计划、请购、物料调度、物料的控制(坏料控 …
Synthesis of Perylenediimide Derivatives for Multi-Chromophoric …
Perylenediimide (PDI) derivatives are lightfast red dyes that exhibit excellent optical and electronic properties for modern organic semiconductor applications. In this dissertation, several multi-chromophoric donor-acceptor systems containing PDI moieties are synthesized and assembled as electroactive monolayers covalently attached to ...
Non-fullerene polymer acceptors based on perylene diimides in all ...
2019年1月1日 · Perylene diimides-based (PDI) n-type copolymers are promising electron-acceptor. D-A alternating copolymers based on PDI is the most promising kind. Constructing fused-PDI benefit the photovoltaic performance. Good morphology should be maintained while enhance the electron mobility.
Assembling a phthalocyanine and perylenediimide donor-acceptor …
2013年10月18日 · In a novel electron-donor-acceptor conjugate, phthalocyanine (Pc) and perylenediimide (PDI) are connected through a trans-platinum (II) diacetylide linker to yield Pc-Pt-PDI 1.
(PDF) Assembling a phthalocyanine and perylenediimide donor-acceptor ...
In a novel electron-donor-acceptor conjugate, phthalocyanine (Pc) and perylenediimide (PDI) are connected through a trans-platinum (II) diacetylide linker to yield Pc-Pt-PDI 1.
Chemical structures of liquid crystalline phthalocyanine H2Pc and ...
Chemical structures of liquid crystalline phthalocyanine H2Pc and perylenediimides PDIC12/C12, PDIC12/TEG, and PDITEG/TEG. The spontaneous formation of self-sorted columnar structures of...
粒度仪里面的PDI和GPC中的PDI是一个意思吗 - 高分子 - 小木虫
苝二亚胺(PDI)超分子光催化剂的最新进展:综述,Journal of …
苝二酰亚胺 (pdi) 有机材料及其衍生物是目前最好的 n 型有机半导体之一。近年来,有报道称pdi超分子光催化剂能够独立完成从光吸收、载流子分离到催化反应的整个光催化过程,引起了众多研究人员的关注。