PCA3试验实际上是一种二元检测,分开量化了PCA3与PSA的mRNA转录产物,并测定了二者的比值,即PCA3分数。 PCA3分数= (PCA3mRNA)/ (PSA mRNA)×1000。 试验需要量化PSAmRNA以标准化样本中存在的总mRNA。 释放到尿液中的前列腺细胞的PSAmRNA水平与血液中的PSA蛋白质水平不相关,实质上在前列腺癌症中不变化。 为什么要使用比值呢? 因为分母,PSAmRNA表示样本中的前列腺特异性细胞核物质的量。
PCA3 - Wikipedia
Prostate cancer antigen 3 (PCA3, also referred to as DD3) is a gene that expresses a non-coding RNA. PCA3 is only expressed in human prostate tissue, and the gene is highly overexpressed in prostate cancer. [3][4] Because of its restricted expression profile, the PCA3 RNA is useful as a tumor marker. [5]
PCA3 RNA Gene - GeneCards
2024年12月25日 · PCA3 (Prostate Cancer Associated 3) is an RNA Gene, and is affiliated with the lncRNA class. Diseases associated with PCA3 include Prostate Disease and Ovary Epithelial Cancer.
PCA3 Test and Prostate Cancer: What to Expect - Healthline
2017年4月13日 · What Is a PCA3 Test? The prostate cancer antigen 3 gene (PCA3) test is used to help determine your risk of prostate cancer. It is not used to diagnose prostate cancer. It’s mainly used to...
PCA3 test for prostate cancer: What you need to know
2019年10月14日 · The PCA3 test can reveal if someone has levels of a protein that prostate cells produce when they are cancerous. Learn more about the PCA3 test, including the advantages it may offer.
Prostate Cancer Specificity of PCA3 Gene Testing: Examples from ...
PCA3 gene testing holds valuable potential in PSA quandary situations: (1) men with elevated PSA levels but no cancer on initial biopsy; (2) men found to have cancer despite normal levels of PSA; (3) men with PSA elevations associated with varying degrees of prostatitis; and (4) men undergoing active surveillance for presumed microfocal disease.
PCA3 in Prostate Cancer - PubMed
Prostate cancer antigen 3 (PCA3) is a urinary biomarker for prostate cancer and has demonstrated a good specificity and sensitivity representing a minimally invasive test.PCA3 assay could be useful in combination with PSA to suggest an eventual rebiopsy in men who have had one or more previous negat …
Definition of PCA3 mRNA test - NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms
A laboratory test that measures the amount of genetic material called PCA3 mRNA and PSA mRNA in the first urine sample after a digital rectal examination. PCA3 mRNA and PSA mRNA are made by normal prostate cells and prostate cancer cells but are made in higher amounts by prostate cancer cells.
The novel prostate cancer antigen 3 (PCA3) biomarker - PubMed
PCA3 is a prostate specific, nonprotein coding RNA that is significantly over expressed in prostate cancer, without any correlation to prostatic volume and/or other prostatic diseases (e.g. prostatitis). It can now easily be measured in urine with a novel transcription-mediated amplification based t …
How Useful is the PCA3 Urine Test for Prostate Cancer?
2020年12月31日 · The FDA-approved PCA3 urine test (Progensa) for detecting a biomarker that is overexpressed in prostate cancer (PCa) was acknowledged by the American Urological Association as far back as 2013 as a useful adjunct – along with other PSA derivatives – for determining if a biopsy or repeat biopsy was needed.