Ultiboard - NI
Ultiboard software offers efficient PCB design layout and routing with a customizable environment. You can use its flexible tools to place parts and copper with manual precision to define critical board elements. With its automated functionality, you can quickly complete a design.
PCB Design Fundamentals: Prototyping and the PCB Design Flow - NI
2024年4月10日 · This article explains the importance of prototyping and product development in the PCB design flow. After explaining the difference between the two stages, it goes on to describe various tools that are best fitted to each stage of the design flow.
在NI Ultiboard中创建自定义组件 - NI
2023年10月31日 · NI Multisim和NI Ultiboard提供了一个集成平台,用于设计,仿真和布局完整的印刷电路板(PCB)。 高度灵活的数据库管理器使您可以轻松地将新的SPICE仿真模型添加到自定义定义的原理图符号中,然后可以将准确的封装图传输到布局中。
How to Set Up a Multi-layer Design in NI Ultiboard - NI
2023年4月5日 · To setup the PCB layers in Ultiboard, select Options»PCB Design»Copper Layers. A layer pair is a PCB material that has copper on both sides, if you entered 1 in the Layer Pairs field, you have a copper top layer and a copper bottom layer where you can route traces; this is a two-layer PCB setup.
PCB设计能用NI multisim吗? - 知乎
2022年4月6日 · 如果要把理论电路变成实际的电路板,就要用到AD、PADS、PowerPCB、Cadence等PCB设计软件,这些软件包括最基本的电路原理图绘制和PCB的layout,原理图绘制好之后,生成网络表(电路的线路连接关系),在pcb中导入生成的网络表,这时理论上的电路就转 …
Quick Intro to NI Ultiboard
2014年12月24日 · To further your understanding you may want to visit the NI Multisim and Ultiboard Technical Resources page where you will find articles on simulation and advanced circuit analyses to theory and practice in PCB design.
PCB Assembly Test Toolkit Download - NI - National Instruments
The PCB Assembly Test Toolkit is a software package that includes LabVIEW measurement libraries. This toolkit provides library examples and automation-ready TestStand sequence templates that you can use for production testing of printed-circuit board assembly (PCBA) with TestScale systems, CompactDAQ hardware, or any device supported by NI-DAQ ...
NI Ultiboard: Viewing a PCB Design in 3D
2020年11月2日 · A critical step in the PCB design process, prior to releasing to manufacturing, is ensuring that a board meets the specifications for form factor, casings and enclosures. By using Ultiboard to define the board size and dimensions, an engineer can easily ensure that the physical dimensions of length and width will fit into a final enclosure.
Ultiboard Best Practices Guides (PDFs) - NI Community
2011年9月23日 · These guides are a collection of 4 guides explaining the PCB design process in the context of Multisim and Ultiboard. The guides provide a comprehensive explanation supported with practical examples in Ultiboard. Provides a general overview of designing a PCB and how the PCB manufacturing process is handled.
Create a Single-Sided PCB in Ultiboard - NI
2023年2月7日 · This article explains how to make single-sided PCB in Ultiboard. The default in Ultiboard is to autoroute as a double-sided Printed Cicuit Board (PCB). To create a single-sided PCB in Ultiboard, using the Autoroute feature, you have to disable all but one of the copper layers.