Business Administration & Accounting Department - PCCC
The Business Administration & Accounting Department offers a strong educational foundation in the fields of marketing, management, finance, and accounting. The programs are designed to offer the graduates the option to continue their study in business or accounting for a bachelor’s degree and programs for career preparation. Questions? Contact Us.
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Master of Business Administration Degree - Pensacola Christian College
Earn your Master of Business Administration from Pensacola Christian College with flexible, affordable online and on-campus learning options.
MBA是什么,含金量高吗?怎么判断国内MBA的水平? - 知乎
MBA是工商管理硕士,属于国内考研专业硕士学位的一种,其实从这个角度来说它和诸多考研专业一样,没有什么特别之处。 不过因为这个专业的学费非常的贵,又相对比较好考,导致大家对它的评价非常的多,既有很多人夸它也有很多骂它。 目前全国有280所左右院校招收MBA,学费差别非常大,便宜的就3-5万,但是贵的要30-50多万。 其实有个 不太严谨但是比较简单的判断MBA水平的方法,就是看这个学校MBA的学费多少钱,学费越高,相对水平越高。 不过 这种方法只适 …
Dual Enrollment - PCCC
PCCC offers qualified high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to take college-level courses and earn credit while also attending high school. Apply Today. Through Dual Enrollment, students who excel will receive additional academic stimulation and an early start on their college career, while saving money on the cost of a college education.
一张图帮你讲清楚MBA的课程体系 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
工商管理硕士 (mba)是一种专业硕士学位,与一般硕士研究生有所不同。工商管理专业的应用性很强,它的目标是依据管理学、经济学的基本理论,通过运用现代管理的方法和手段来进行有效的企业管理和经营决策,保证企业的生存和发展。
Hsuan-hua Chang, MSCS, MBA, PCC ICF - President - LinkedIn
My mission is to leverage technologies and develop leaders in order to make our world a better place. My extensive experience combining enterprise technology with executive coaching results in my...
- 职位: Tech Leadership Coach | …
- 位置: Coach Seattle Inc
- 500+ 连接数
Dennis Zhou, MBA PCC - APAC & AMEO Regional Talent …
APAC & AMEO Talent Acquisition Lead & Career Coach @ General Motors | MBA, PCC 中国 上海市 黄浦区 5751 位关注者 500+ 位好友
- 职位: APAC & AMEO Talent …
- 位置: General Motors
Sarah Schneider, PCC, MBA - Founder | Executive Coach - LinkedIn
Sarah Schneider, PCC, MBA Let's Disrupt the Societal BS that gets in the way of what You are being Called to. | Executive Coach for impact-driven leaders. San Diego Metropolitan Area
- 职位: Let's Disrupt the Societal BS …
- 位置: Sarah Schneider & Co.
- 500+ 连接数
Gaby (Gabriela) Alvarez-Pollack, MBA, CPTD, CMC, PCC.
View Gaby (Gabriela) Alvarez-Pollack, MBA, CPTD, CMC, PCC.’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members.
- 500+ 连接数
- 位置: ICF San Diego Chapter
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