Pathophysiology and clinical implications of the veno-arterial …
2021年8月31日 · The tissue VCO 2 does not accumulate under normal conditions, being washed out by the blood flowing across the tissue and eliminated by the lungs. Accordingly, any reduction in tissue blood flow (stagnant condition) will result in an accumulation of tissue CO 2, implying an increase in the va-CCO 2 gap, in accordance with Fick’s principle:
Changes in central venous-to-arterial PCO2 difference and central ...
2024年11月8日 · Background The main aim of the study whether changes in central venous-to-arterial CO2 difference (ΔP(v–a)CO2) and central venous oxygen saturation (ΔScvO2) induced by volume expansion (VE) are reliable parameters to define fluid responsiveness (FR) in sedated and mechanically ventilated septic patients. We also sought to determine whether the degree of FR was related to baseline ScvO2 and ...
CO2 dissociation curve (PCO2‐CCO2 relationship) As is the case for oxygen, a relationship exists between the PCO2 and the CO2 content (CCO2) of blood (Fig. 2).
Using arterial-venous oxygen difference to guide red blood cell ...
2020年4月20日 · Background Guidelines recommend a restrictive red blood cell transfusion strategy based on hemoglobin (Hb) concentrations in critically ill patients. We hypothesized that the arterial-venous oxygen difference (A-V O2diff), a surrogate for the oxygen delivery to consumption ratio, could provide a more personalized approach to identify patients who may benefit from transfusion. Methods A ...
Effect of acute hyperventilation on the venous-arterial PCO2 …
2012年1月30日 · I read with great interest the letter by Morel and colleagues [1] in the previous issue of Critical Care. The letter suggested that acute changes in the arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO 2) can affect the venous-arterial difference in carbon dioxide tension (ΔCO 2). In a study by the authors, 10 ventilated and hemodynamically stable …
Persistently high venous-to-arterial carbon dioxide differences …
2013年12月13日 · Introduction Venous-to-arterial carbon dioxide difference (Pv-aCO2) may reflect the adequacy of blood flow during shock states. We sought to test whether the development of Pv-aCO2 during the very early phases of resuscitation is related to multi-organ dysfunction and outcomes in a population of septic shock patients resuscitated targeting the usual oxygen-derived and hemodynamic parameters ...
Optimizing PO2 during peripheral veno-arterial ECMO: a narrative …
2022年7月26日 · During cardiogenic shock or cardiac arrest refractory to medical treatment, peripheral veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VA-ECMO) is used to restore adequate oxygen delivery, mainly by increasing systemic blood flow. However, the oxygenator integrated to the VA-ECMO circuit also impacts arterial oxygen saturation of hemoglobin (S a O 2) and arterial oxygen partial pressure (P ...
Changes in carbon dioxide production and oxygen uptake …
2021年12月4日 · Background Several clinical guidelines recommend monitoring blood lactate levels and central venous oxygen saturation for hemodynamic management of patients with sepsis. We hypothesized that carbon dioxide production (VCO2) and oxygen extraction (VO2) evaluated using indirect calorimetry (IC) might provide additional information to understand the dynamic metabolic changes in sepsis. Methods ...
Pro/con debate: Should PaCO2 be tightly controlled in all patients …
2013年1月29日 · Neurological injuries are one of the most common reasons for initiating mechanical ventilation in the ICU [2]. Provision of mechanical ventilation to brain-injured patients is complex. These patients are likely to be less forgiving of changes in arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2) and the hemodynamic compromise associated with positive pressure ventilation. Induced ...
Blood flow, not hypoxia, determines intramucosal PCO2 - Critical …
2005年2月28日 · Monitoring tissue hypoxia in critically ill patients is a challenging task. Tissue PCO2 has long been proposed as a marker of tissue hypoxia, although there is considerable controversy on whether the rise in CO2 with hypoxia is caused by anaerobic metabolism and excess CO2 production or by the accumulation of aerobically produced CO2 in the setting of blood flow stagnation. The prevention of ...