Mouse Grap qPCR Primer Pair(小鼠Grap qPCR引物对) …
Mouse Grap qPCR Primer Pair,即小鼠Grap qPCR引物对,主要用于基于SYBR Green的qPCR、One-Step qRT-PCR或semi-quantitative PCR。 本引物为预先设计、经过qPCR验证、预混的引物对。
Interpreting Real-Time PCR Amplification Plot
A study of PCR performance and y-intercept values on nine different platforms using the instrument’s default settings vs manually tuning baseline settings and thresholds. In most situations, the default configurations produce effects that are very similar to those obtained by manual adjustment.
GRB2 相关衔接蛋白(GRAP)基因 | MCE - MCE-生物活性分子 ...
该基因编码 GRB2/Sem5/Drk 家族的一个成员,作为一种细胞质信号蛋白发挥作用,其中包含一个 SH2 结构域,两侧是两个 SH3 结构域。 SH2 结构域与干细胞因子和促红细胞生成素的配体激活受体相互作用,并促进与 Bcr-Abl 癌蛋白形成稳定的复合物。 这种蛋白质还通过其 N 末端 SH3 结构域与 Ras 鸟嘌呤核苷酸交换因子 SOS1 (sevenless 同源物 1 的儿子) 相关联。 通常,它将来自受体和细胞质酪氨酸激酶的信号耦合到 Ras 信号通路。 [RefSeq 提供,2012 年 7 月]
GRAP2 - PCR Primer Pair - SYBR | PrimePCR | Bio-Rad - Bio-Rad …
Real-time PCR primer assay designed for SYBR ® Green gene expression analysis. Gene-specific PCR primers for the unbiased preamplification of small quantities of cDNA for subsequent use in downstream gene expression analysis.
RT² qPCR Primer Assay for Mouse Grap | GeneGlobe - Qiagen
Introducing the RT² qPCR Primer Assay for Mouse Grap, a cutting-edge addition to our RT2 qPCR Primer Assays lineup, specifically designed for Real-Time PCR applications. This premium product offers unparalleled performance for researchers working with Mouse models.
Grap is expressed in the mouse inner ear. (A) RT-PCR of Grap …
Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) using specific primer pairs (SI Appendix, Table S6) produced a unique band of 166 bp corresponding to the WT Grap messenger RNA in all...
GRAP - PrimePCR Assay and Template | Life Science | Bio-Rad
Design and Validation of Real-Time PCR Primers-test Design and Validation of Real-Time PCR Primers Bio-Rad collaborated with Biogazelle, leaders in real-time PCR research, to design and experimentally validate PCR primers for gene expression assays across the …
GRAP - PCR Primer Pair - Probe | PrimePCR | Bio-Rad
Real-time PCR probe assay designed for gene expression analysis. Probe assays consist of unlabeled PCR primers and a dual labeled fluorescent probe.
Understanding Ct Values in Real-Time PCR - Thermo Fisher Scientific
2022年10月17日 · Real-time PCR data are often represented in a graph called an amplification plot (Figure 1). The vertical axis is in fluorescent units, and the measurement is often called ΔRn, which is a baseline subtracted normalized reporter.
Grb2-related adaptor protein GRAP is a novel regulator of liver ...
2023年8月15日 · In the present study we investigated the role of Grb2-related adaptor protein (GRAP) in HSC activation and liver fibrosis. Liver fibrosis was induced by carbon tetrachloride (CCl 4) injection. Gene expression was examined by quantitative PCR. Cell proliferation was evaluated by EdU incorporation.