生信技术丨HLA分型数据分析方法简介 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
人类白细胞抗原(human leukocyte antigen,简称HLA),位于 6号染色体 的短臂上(6p21.3),由360万个碱基对组成,包括一系列紧密连锁的基因座,部分基因编码细胞表面抗原,成为每个人的细胞不可混淆的“特征”,是免疫系统区分自身和异体物质的基础。 丰富的多态性 (polymorphism)是HLA基因系统的一个最重要特点。 HLA复合体中很多基因座位的DNA序列在人群中存在许多变异体,称为等位基因 (allele) , IPD-IMGT/HLA Database 是比较全面的收录HLA …
PCR-Sequence-Specific Primer Typing of HLA Class I and Class …
Consistent design of PCR primers along with use of the most up-to-date sequence alignments, are key features of successful and accurate PCR-SSP HLA typing. All primers are initially designed to have a primer-template annealing temperature of 60° or 62°C, based on the popular formula 2X (number of A and T bases) + 4X (number of G and C bases ...
HLA typing by sequence-specific primers - PubMed
HLA typing by sequence-specific primers (PCR-SSP) is a commonly used technique in HLA typing in which multiple pairs of cis-located allele-specific primers are used to determine the alleles present in a given DNA sample. Although the technique is around two decades old, it still offers a relatively …
HLA typing using PCR and NGS technology - News-Medical.net
2024年10月16日 · Analytik Jena’s Biometra TAdvanced is a high-performance thermal cycler ideal for PCR applications such as long-range PCR and NGS library preparation. This article outlines the HLA typing...
HLA-A基因分型检测试剂盒(PCR-SBT法)_江苏伟禾生物科技有限 …
HLA-ABCDRDQ基因分型检测试剂盒(PCR-SBT法)由一系列Sanger测序型 (SBT)优化试剂组成。 产品线包括HLA I类和HLA II类分型试剂盒,并拥有强大的SBT分析软件与试剂盒兼容。 可用于HLA-A, -B, -C, -DRB1, -DRB3/4/5, -DQB1, -DQA1, -DPB1, -DPA1和MICA-A, -B位点。 【产品特点】 准确:提供4分位高分辨率基因分型结果,准确度高,特异性强; 探索:HLA测序检测金标准,易于发现新基因. 全面:同时提供GSA和LSA扩增引物,杜绝模棱两可的分型结 …
Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) System: Genetics and …
The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system is one of the most crucial host factors influencing disease progression in bacterial and viral infections. This review provides the basic concepts of the structure and function of HLA molecules in humans. ...
Real-Time PCR-Based HLA Typing | Results in Less Than 1 Hour - CareDx
For samples that need to be processed fast, QTYPE offers rapid and accurate real-time PCR-based HLA typing for 11 loci with a low-to-intermediate and single-antigen bead resolution. Benefits Rapid: RT-PCR HLA typing in less than 1 hour with <10 mins of hands-on time
New HLA-A, -B, and -C locus-specific primers for PCR ... - PubMed
We describe a new set of HLA-A, -B, and -C locus-specific primers for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of the whole coding sequence of these genes from complementary DNA (cDNA). We describe their use for typing and for the production of a library of recombinant HLA class I genes.
Cost-efficient multiplex PCR for routine genotyping of up to nine ...
2015年4月18日 · In order to simplify and accelerate the NGS-based HLA genotyping method for multiple DNA samples, we developed and evaluated four multiplex PCR methods for genotyping up to nine classical HLA loci including HLA-A, HLA …
Association between HLA-DRB1*04, HLA-DQB1*03, and HLA …
1 天前 · Molecular genotyping by SSP-PCR and primers design. The typing of HLA antigens was performed by Polymerase Chain Reaction-Sequence Specific Primers (PCR-SSP). The primers used for the analyzed alleles, such as HLA-DRB1*04, HLA-DQB1*03, and HLA-DQB1*06, were designed following the Olerup protocol. The primer’s specificity and reliability were ...