Physiological cross-sectional area - Wikipedia
In muscle physiology, physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA) is the area of the cross section of a muscle perpendicular to its fibers, generally at its largest point. It is typically used to describe the contraction properties of pennate muscles. [1] .
Rethinking the physiological cross-sectional area of skeletal …
2024年9月18日 · Physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA, symbol A P) is often used as a proxy for a muscle’s maximum force-generating capacity, and can be combined with other properties (e.g. force-length or force-velocity characteristics) to create models of muscle force production [3].
The influence of muscle pennation angle and cross-sectional area …
A muscle’s architecture (particularly its physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA), fibre pennation angle (PA) and optimal fibre length) is an established predictor of its force generation and excursion, 1 in both musculotendon-actuator- 2, 3 and electromyography (EMG)-activation-data based 4 models.
【请教】肌腹的横切面和肌肉的生理横切面的区别 - 丁香园论坛
生理橫截面面积(Physiologic cross-section area,PCSA) 指与 肌束 垂直方向的截面积。 你提问中“肌腹的横切面”指的是“肌肉解剖横截面面积(anatomical cross-section area, ACSA)”,与 整块肌肉走行 垂直的截面积。
pcsaは,理論的には筋内に存在するすべての筋線維の断 面積の総和であり,筋の構築学的パラメータにより計算 される。筋の生理学的断面積は機能的な断面積であり, 筋出力と比例する。通常,mri,ct,超音波などにより
Biomechanical implications of skeletal muscle hypertrophy and atrophy ...
Muscle CSA is measured in two ways: anatomical CSA (ACSA) and physiological CSA (PCSA). ACSA is the muscle CSA measured in the plane perpendicular to its tendons (the longitudinal axis), commonly recorded at the widest point along the muscle.
Assessment of muscle volume and physiological cross-sectional area …
2008年7月19日 · Muscle length (l m), the maximum anatomical cross-sectional-area (ACSA max) and muscle volume were obtained from the 3D models. To assess the PCSA, fascicle length was determined by ultrasonography. In general, muscle volume can be expressed as a fraction of the product of ACSA max and l m.
Physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA) is a very important parameter for modeling muscle force. Most studies utilize cadaveric data when doing so, however, it is not known how appropriate this is for forearm muscles. In this study, the volumes of four forearm muscles were determined using 3D parametrized (finite element) models
Review of the methods used for calculating physiological cross ...
2020年5月6日 · This review examines literature that used physiological cross‐sectional area (PCSA) as a representative measure of an individual muscle's maximal isometric force production.
(PDF) What the %PCSA? Addressing Diversity in Lower-Limb ...
2024年10月31日 · This review provides an overview on experimentally derived strength parameters, including physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA), muscle mass (Mm), and relative muscle mass (%Mm), which is the...