PCTA launches new interactive map for the Pacific Crest Trail
2021年4月8日 · You now have a great new resource: we’re thrilled to announce the launch of a new interactive map of the Pacific Crest Trail. We think it’ll soon be your go-to tool for exploring the trail.
PCT maps - Pacific Crest Trail Association
Whether you’re staring at a map after a long day on the trail, or putting one up on your bedroom wall, we hope you enjoy the resources we’ve collected for you. Please carry paper maps. It's important. Large maps to help you visualize this huge and wonderful trail. Tips and resources for using Google Earth. Our portal for PCT GIS data.
Google Earth - Pacific Crest Trail Association
Google Earth is a free application that provides a remarkable aerial view of the entire Pacific Crest Trail. You can pan and zoom from campsite to water source, peak to valley. Features such as park and wildfire boundaries, roads, cloud cover, and current snowpack totals can be displayed.
Pacific Crest Trail Map (Interactive) - CCCarto.com
Explore the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) with our interactive map featuring section ownership, lengths, and highlights. Spanning from California through Oregon to Washington, discover stunning landscapes and diverse ecosystems along this iconic trail.
Pacific Crest Trail - Maps & Publications - US Forest Service
The Pacific Crest Trail Map Brochure is available for download here (PDF 812KB). Section maps of the PCT are available for purchase in the table below, or by visiting the USGS Store.
Pacific Crest Trail - Trails Illustrated Maps - Trail Maps
The Pacific Crest Trail (PCT), one of the first national scenic trails, spans 2,650 miles from the Mexican border through California, Oregon, and Washington to the northern terminus on the Canadian border.
ArcGIS Web Application
Explore the Pacific Crest Trail with this interactive ArcGIS web application.
Pacific Crest Trail Association
This is the official ArcGIS Online organization of the Pacific Crest Trail Association (PCTA). Here, you can find collections of data, maps, and apps related to the PCT. For questions, comments, or concerns, please contact PCTA's GIS Specialist, Galen Keily at [email protected]
Karte des PCT/ PCT Map | Te Araroa Continental Divide Trail …
Klickt auf das Foto und Ihr werdet zu einer Karte weitergeleitet. Dort könnt Ihr auch den PCT mit anderen Trails (CDT, AT, usw.) vergleichen indem ihr das Menü ‚Trail‘ (links über der Karte) benutzt.
Overview maps - Pacific Crest Trail Association
Magellan’s trail-wide PCT overview map Click to download a high-quality PDF of this map that’s good for printing. Magellan’s two-page PCT overview maps with public transit