Pd-Pt Bimetallic Nanodendrites with High Activity for Oxygen
2009年5月14日 · We synthesized Pd-Pt bimetallic nanodendrites consisting of a dense array of Pt branches on a Pd core by reducing K 2 PtCl 4 with L-ascorbic acid in the presence of uniform Pd nanocrystal seeds in an aqueous solution.
Growth of Pt–Pd Nanoparticles Studied In Situ by HRTEM in a …
The growth of Pt–Pd nanoparticles from organometallic precursors is studied in situ in real time by HRTEM in a graphene oxide liquid cell. The reduction of the metal precursors is induced by the electron beam. During the growth, the particles rearrange their internal structure to …
我的样品的HRTEM解析求助 - 晶体 - 小木虫 - 学术 科研 互动社区
各位虫友,本人做了一个alpha-Fe2O3负载的Pd催化剂的HRTEM(见图)。 我对TEM不熟悉,现请求帮助:(1)可以帮我计算以下晶格间距吗(图中我试着标示了一下,我画得正确与否)?
Electron-enriched single-Pd-sites on g-C - ScienceDirect
2024年4月1日 · Integrating Pd twinned nanoparticles to adjacent Pd–N 4 single-atom sites on graphitic carbon nitride (Pd TP /Pd SA-CN) facilitates photocatalytic reduction of CO 2 to CO, contributed by their strong electronic metal-support interactions for rapid electron transfer through Pd–N bridges and electron enrichment on Pd SA active centers.
Tensile strained PdNi bimetallene for energy-efficient hydrogen ...
2022年12月15日 · Strain engineering is a prospective approach to enhance catalytic performance of electrocatalysts. Herein, we report a CO-confined growth method for the synthesis of tensile-strained PdNi bimetallene as bifunctional catalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and formate oxidation reaction (FOR).
Nanoscale Pd-Co alloy supported on dual heteroatoms doped …
1 天前 · HRTEM image and the respective particle distribution of Co/SNC, Pd/SNC, Pd 2 SNC and PdCo 2 /SNC catalysts are provided in Fig. S3 (a-d) and Fig. S3 (a’-d'). The average particle size of Co/SNC, Pd/SNC, Pd 2 SNC and PdCo 2 /SNC catalysts were found to be 13.75, 18.57, 17.94 and 17.91 nm, which further confirms that alloying Co with Pd reduces ...
a Typical and b magnified TEM images of Pd nanocubes. c HRTEM …
We report a new and efficient strategy for the one-step synthesis of monodispersed Pd nanocubes with ethylenediamine tetramethylene phosphonate (EDTMP) as a complex-forming and capping agent. The...
2014年6月4日 · The growth of Pt–Pd nanoparticles from organometallic precursors is studied in situ in real time by HRTEM in a graphene oxide liquid cell. The reduction of the metal precursors is induced by the electron beam. During the growth, the particles rearrange their internal structure to form faceted single crystals.
TEM and HRTEM images of the catalysts with different Pt to Pd …
In this paper, we present a simple and facile strategy to prepare highly uniform Pd-Pt alloy nanoparticles (NPs) with different Pt/Pd molar ratios on 1-pyrenecarboxylic acid (PCA) decorated...
Growth of Pt-Pd Nanoparticles Studied In Situ by HRTEM in a
2014年6月19日 · The growth of Pt-Pd nanoparticles from organometallic precursors is studied in situ in real time by HRTEM in a graphene oxide liquid cell. The reduction of the metal precursors is induced by the electron beam. During the growth, the particles rearrange their internal structure to form faceted single …