RCSB PDB: Homepage
RCSB Protein Data Bank (RCSB PDB) enables breakthroughs in science and education by providing access and tools for exploration, visualization, and analysis of: These data can be explored in context of external annotations providing a structural view of biology. 3D visualization for PDB structures and ligand binding sites.
Identifiers in PDB - RCSB PDB
2024年10月5日 · Every experimental structure in the PDB is assigned a 4-character alphanumeric identifier called the PDB identifier or PDB ID (e.g., 2hbs). In some cases, large groups of structures (e.g., a protein bound to a series of different inhibitors/drugs) are submitted to the PDB.
如何快速寻蛋白PBD的ID_pdb id-CSDN博客
2021年5月25日 · 蛋白质数据库Protein Data Bank(PDB)是一个包含蛋白质、核酸等生物大分子的结构数据的数据库,网址是http://www.rcsb.org。PDB可以经由网络免费访问,是结构生物学研究中的重要资源。
Protein Data Bank - Wikipedia
The Protein Data Bank (PDB) [1] is a database for the three-dimensional structural data of large biological molecules such as proteins and nucleic acids, which is overseen by the Worldwide Protein Data Bank (wwPDB).
如何获得一个蛋白质的PDB编号? - 知乎
2021年3月22日 · pdb可以直接按蛋白的名称搜索的。 还有一个办法,在知道蛋白序列的情况下,首页点击搜索框下方的advanced search,进去后选sequence选项卡,把序列输入进去。
Introduction to Protein Data Bank Format
Protein Data Bank (PDB) format is a standard for files containing atomic coordinates. It is used for structures in the Protein Data Bank and is read and written by many programs. While this short description will suffice for many users, those in need of …
最新最全)PDB(Protein Data Bank)数据格式详解 - CSDN博客
2018年8月16日 · PDB 文件(Program Database File)是 Microsoft Visual C++(MSVC)编译器生成的一种文件类型,用于存储调试信息。它的扩展名为.pdb。PDB 文件包含了程序的各种调试数据,比如变量、函数符号、数据类型信息,以及代码和源文件之间的映射。这些信息可以在调试过 …
PDB(Protein Data Bank)数据格式详解 - Raymone1125 - 博客园
2019年5月2日 · PDB(Protein Data Bank)是一种标准文件格式, 其中包含原子的坐标等信息, 提交给 Protein Data Bank at the Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics (RCSB) 的结构都使用这种标准格式.
PDB-101: Learn: Guide to Understanding PDB Data: Introduction
Guide to Understanding PDB Data is designed to help you get started with finding and exploring the hundreds of thousands of 3D structures in the PDB archive. If you’re new to the world of structural biology, start with Introduction to the PDB. If you have questions about PDB data, several pages will help:
PDB/UniProt Info
PDB/UniProt Info retrieves annotations for Protein Data Bank (PDB) entries using a web service provided by the RCSB PDB. Sequences are displayed in Multalign Viewer, and feature annotations from UniProt are mapped onto the sequences as …