Protein data bank | PPT - SlideShare
2019年9月26日 · The Protein Data Bank (PDB) is a database for the three-dimensional structural data of large biological molecules, such as proteins and nucleic acids. This presentation deals with what, why, how, where and who of PDB.
Protein Data Bank (PDB) | PPT - SlideShare
2020年9月17日 · Established in 1971, by Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics (RCSB), Brookhaven National Laboratories, USA. Archive contain atomic coordinates, …
PPT - The Protein Data Bank (PDB) PowerPoint Presentation, …
2014年8月21日 · Access to structure data at NCBI: VAST Vector Alignment Search Tool (VAST) offers a variety of data on protein structures, including -- PDB identifiers -- root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) values to describe structural similarities -- NRES: the number of equivalent pairs of alpha carbon atoms superimposed -- percent identity Page 294
PDB数据库简介ppt课件 - 百度文库
美国Brookhaven实验室1971年建立的大分子结构 数据库,PDB蛋白质晶体结构资料数据库 (Protein Date Bank)。 PDB数据库的维护由结构生物信息学研究合作组织 (Research Collaboration for Structural Bioinformatics,RCSB) 负责。
PDB: Protein Data Bank - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
2004年4月25日 · Alignment Of Multiple Protein Structures Using Monte Carlo Optimization, Guda C, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation. What is PDB? macromolecule that was studied. residues. compound with the given hetID. for standard residues. HETATM records. ATOM/HETATM records for a chain. records for atoms within "non-standard" groups. of sheets in the molecule.
PDB数据库简介 (共21张PPT) - 百度文库
PDB中的记录有唯一的PDB-ID,包括4个字符串 ,可由大写字母A~Z和数字0~9组合而成,如1LDM 。 PDB和它的镜像站点提供每个PDB记录的查询 ,可按一些专门的查询项目(如提交数据、作者 姓名、结构表达)进行检索。
PDB数据库简介ppt课件 - renrendoc.com
2021年1月28日 · PDB数据库的维护由结构生物信息学研究合作组织 ( 2、Research Collaboration for Structural Bioinformatics,RCSB) 负责,1、数据,来源 主要通过实验(X射线晶体衍射,核磁共振,电子显微镜方法等)测定的生物大分子的三维结构。
protein data bank | PPT - SlideShare
2012年2月2日 · The Protein Data Bank (PDB) is a single worldwide database that stores 3D structural data of proteins and nucleic acids. It is operated by Rutgers University, the San Diego Supercomputer Center, and the Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics.
Protein Data Bank ( PDB ) - Bioinformatics | PPT - SlideShare
2024年3月28日 · • The Protein Data Bank is a database that stores three-dimensional structural data of biological macromolecules, primarily focusing on proteins and nucleic acids. • It is a crucial resource in structural biology. • It is the first open access digital data resource for all kind of biology and medicine.
Introduction to RCSB PDB Data, Tools and Resources - ppt …
PDB IDs are the most direct method for retrieving structures from the database, these IDs are randomly assigned at the time of deposition and have no particular meaning. One or more PDB IDs can be typed or copied into the search box. Multiple ID searches can be done by separating these with commas or line breaks.