自闭的七种形态:泛自闭症表型、雷特综合征、非典型自闭症,以 …
非典型自闭症(Atypical Autism)又称为“待分类的广泛性发育障碍(Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified,PPD-NOS)”。 在2013年以前,它曾被用来描述那些不完全符合其他具体诊断标准,但又确实患有自闭症的个体的症状。
Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS) - Autism Speaks
PDD-NOS stands for Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified. PDD-NOS was one of several previously separate subtypes of autism that were folded into the single diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) with the publication of the DSM-5 diagnostic manual in 2013.
待分類的廣泛性發展障礙 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
待分類的廣泛性發展障礙(Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified;簡稱PDD-NOS),亦作非典型自閉症,泛指一般有自閉症傾向,但不能透過其特徵而歸類為更具體的分類,是自閉症光譜的成員之一、廣泛性發展障礙的一種。
PDD-NOS: Definition, Diagnosis, and Treatment - Healthline
2023年5月19日 · PDD-NOS is an abbreviation for pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified. In the past, this was considered a category of autism. It’s no longer a...
Pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified
Pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS) [1] is a historic psychiatric diagnosis first defined in 1980 that has since been incorporated into autism spectrum disorder in the DSM-5 (2013).
待分类的广泛性发展障碍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2023年4月26日 · 待分类的广泛性发展障碍(Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified;简称PDD-NOS),亦作非典型自闭症,泛指一般有自闭症倾向,但不能透过其特征而归类为更具体的分类,是自闭症光谱的成员之一、广泛性发展障碍的一种。
待分类的广泛性发展障碍 - 百度百科
待分类的广泛性发展障碍(Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified,简称PDD-NOS)亦作非典型自闭症,泛指一般有自闭症倾向,但不能透过其特征而归类为更具体的分类,是自闭症光谱的成员之一、广泛性发展障碍的一种。
Understanding PDD-NOS and Autism Spectrum
2024年8月11日 · Explore PDD-NOS, its symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, and support for individuals and families affected by autism spectrum disorders.
Understanding PDD-NOS: Exploring the Diagnosis and Management
2024年10月2日 · Individuals with PDD-NOS experience challenges in social interaction, communication, repetitive behaviors, sensory experiences, and executive functioning. Recognizing the spectrum nature of ASD and the variations within PDD-NOS is essential for accurate diagnosis and support.
Autism, PDD-NOS & Asperger's fact sheets | Overview of …
PDD-NOS is included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) to encompass cases where there is marked impairment of social interaction, communication, and/or stereotyped behavior patterns or interest, but when full features for Autism or another explicitly defined PDD are not met.
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