Phosphodiesterase - Wikipedia
A phosphodiesterase (PDE) is an enzyme that breaks a phosphodiester bond. Usually, phosphodiesterase refers to cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases, which have great clinical significance and are described below.
PDE families contain many splice variants that mostly are unique in tissue-expression patterns, gene regulation, enzymatic regulation by phosphorylation and regulatory proteins, subcellular localization, and interaction with association proteins.
PDE家族蛋白产品 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
pde抑制剂是用于管理和治疗 慢性阻塞性肺病 (copd)、勃起功能障碍(ed)、 肺动脉高压 (pah)、良性前列腺增生(bph)、急性失代偿性心力衰竭、银屑病、 银屑病关节炎 (pa)、 特应性皮炎 (ad)和新生儿呼吸暂停的药物。在预防camp或cgmp降解的药物类别中 ...
Role of phosphodiesterases in the pathophysiology of …
2021年1月7日 · Phosphodiesterases (PDEs) are enzymes involved in the homeostasis of both cAMP and cGMP. They are members of a family of proteins that includes 11 subfamilies with...
Overview of PDEs and Their Regulation | Circulation Research
2007年2月16日 · A number of splice variants have been identified in each PDE family, as described here. In regard to certain variants of classical PDEs (PDE1 to -6), molecular characteristics, tissue expression patterns, and expression regulation, all of which are indispensable information to figure out PDE functional roles in cells, have to some extent been ...
Clinical and Molecular Genetics of the Phosphodiesterases (PDEs)
2021年11月3日 · PDEs constitute a large and complex superfamily that contains 11 PDE gene families (PDE1 to PDE11), comprising 21 genes that generate approximately 100 (or more) proteins via alternative splicing of mRNA or multiple promoters and transcription start sites (Figures 2 and 3) (4, 5).
Phosphodiesterase - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Phosphodiesterases (PDEs) are known as a super-family of 11 isoenzymes, which can exert various functions based on their organ distribution. Aside from non-selective PDE inhibitors (methylxanthines, e.g. theophylline) used many years in clinical settings, increasing attention is focused on the involvement of selective PDE inhibitors in therapy ...
Advances in targeting cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases
2014年4月1日 · Eleven families of PDEs, containing at least 25 genes, are each defined based on differences in their sequence, substrate specificity, regulatory characteristics, inhibitor sensitivity and tissue...
Phosphodiesterase Families - ScienceDirect
2010年1月1日 · There are 11 known phosphodiesterase (PDE) gene families, each with their own distinct characteristics. The phosphodiesterases share the same organizational structure. Each protein has an N-terminal domain that confers regulatory properties to the protein, followed by a more C-terminal ∼270 amino acid catalytic domain and a short C-terminal tail.
Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (PDE) isozymes as targets of …
Each PDE family encompasses one to four distinct genes, giving rise to more than 20 genes in mammals that encode more than 50 different PDE proteins that are all probably expressed in mammalian cells (Lugnier, 2006; Conti and Beavo, 2007; Francis et al., 2011). PDE isozymes generally exist as dimers.