Phosphodiesterase 3 - Wikipedia
PDE3 is a phosphodiesterase. The PDEs belong to at least eleven related gene families, which are different in their primary structure, substrate affinity, responses to effectors, and regulation mechanism. Most of the PDE families are composed of more than one gene.
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PDE3 inhibitor - Wikipedia
A PDE3 inhibitor is a drug which inhibits the action of the phosphodiesterase enzyme PDE3. They are used for the therapy of acute heart failure and cardiogenic shock. Amrinone, milrinone and enoximone are used clinically for short-term treatment of cardiac failure in the presence of cardiogenic shock. [1]
Phosphodiesterase 3 (PDE3): structure, localization and ...
In this review, we will discuss some general information of PDEs and then focus on PDE3 gene family, including the molecular biology, structure, function and potential as therapeutic targets. Furthermore, we show the possibilities of PDE3 as therapeutic targets in malignant tumor cells and salivary gland.
PDE3A and PDE3B are the subfamily genes of PDE3, which shows high affinity for both cAMP and cGMP. A low V max value for cGMP compared with that for cAMP lets cGMP function as a competitive inhibitor for cAMP hydrolysis.2 Therefore, PDE3s are termed cGMP-inhibited cAMP PDEs. The presence of a 44-aa insert in the catalytic domain is a
Novel approaches to targeting PDE3 in cardiovascular disease
Inhibitors of PDE3, a family of dual-specificity cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases, are used clinically to increase cardiac contractility by raising intracellular cAMP content in cardiac myocytes and to reduce vascular resistance by increasing intracellular cGMP …
PDE3 Credit Courses - Google Sites
There are two options for professional development credits that can be used towards reclassification and salary advancement for teachers. Credits for teacher classification and salary advancement...