Human Erythrocyte Acetylcholinesterase in Health and Disease
The biochemical properties of erythrocyte or human red blood cell (RBC) membrane acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and its applications on laboratory class and on research are reviewed. Evidence of the biochemical and the pathophysiological properties ...
Reduced deformability contributes to impaired deoxygenation …
The findings from Study 2 suggest that this may be the case given that treatment with cilostazol to target PDE3, which is multiple steps downstream of the initial haemoglobin deoxygenation stimulus in the proposed RBC signalling cascade for deoxygenation-induced ATP release (Ellsworth & Sprague, 2012), had no effect on impaired ATP release from ...
Targeting Phosphodiesterases in Anti-platelet Therapy - PMC
Platelets possess several PDEs (PDE2, PDE3 and PDE5) that catalyze the hydrolysis of cyclic adenosine 3′-5′-monophosphate (cAMP) and cyclic guanosine 3′-5′-monophosphate (cGMP), thereby limiting the levels of intracellular nucleotides. PDE inhibitors, such as cilostazol and dipyridamole, dampen platelet function by increasing cAMP and cGMP levels.
3-异丁基-1-甲基黄嘌呤 | Phosphodiesterase(PDE) - InvivoChem
ibmx 是一种非特异性、广谱、竞争性磷酸二酯酶 (pde) 抑制剂,对 pde3、pde4 和 pde5 的 ic50 分别为 6.5、26.3 和 31.7 μm。 它可增强细胞内 cAMP 水平,还可作为腺苷 (A1) 受体拮抗剂。
Insulin inhibits ATP release from human erythrocytes
2006年3月6日 · In non-erythroid tissue, insulin has been shown to stimulate phosphodiesterase 3 (PDE3) resulting in the hydrolysis of cAMP. Although PDE activity within the RBC has not been fully characterized, incubating human RBCs with a PDE 3 inhibitor, cilostazol (100 μM), increased cAMP in these cells from 1.5±0.1 to 2.0±0.3 pmole (normalized to 5x10 ...
Phosphodiesterase 3B Regulates cAMP Levels in Human Erythrocytes
It was reported that cAMP participates in a signaling pathway that couples activation of Gs with ATP release from erythrocytes (RBCs). cAMP levels are the product of adenylyl cyclase (AC) activity an...
Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors | Concise Medical Knowledge - Lecturio
2023年2月14日 · Mechanism of action of milrinone, a phosphodiesterase-3 (PDE3) inhibitor: By blocking the effect of PDE3, milrinone increases the concentration of cAMP in cardiac cells. This results in increased strength of contraction (inotropy). Image by Lecturio.
基于PDE3A-SLFN12复合物结构的肿瘤细胞凋亡诱导剂的设计 - Niu …
2021年10月31日 · 近年来,de Waal、王晓东团队、安然等人相继发现小分子DNMDP、高浓度雌二醇、天然产物nauclefine、PDE3抑制剂anagrelide可以促进PDE3A(phosphodiesterase 3A)和SLFN12(Schlafen family member 12)依赖的细胞凋亡。
Squeezing for Life – Properties of Red Blood Cell Deformability
2018年6月1日 · PDE-5 inhibitors elevate intracellular concentrations of cGMP, thereby indirectly inhibiting PDE3. Inhibition of PDE3 does raise the intracellular concentration of cAMP. Depending on the degree of this intracellular cAMP elevation, RBC deformability can be either increased or …
Human Erythrocyte Acetylcholinesterase in Health and Disease
2017年9月8日 · Beyond its function as an enzyme, a special focus is highlighted in this review for a new function of the RBC AChE, namely a component of the signal transduction pathway of nitric oxide. The biochemical properties of erythrocyte or human red blood cell (RBC) membrane acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and its applications on laboratory class and on ...