Polydimethylsiloxane thermal degradation Part 1. Kinetic aspects
2001年3月1日 · A combination of traditional kinetic formal treatments and computer simulation has been made to analyze polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) thermal degradation. It was shown that PDMS thermally decomposes to cyclic oligomers through Si – O bond scission in a chain-folded cyclic conformation energetically favored by overlapping of empty silicon d ...
Polydimethylsiloxane - Wikipedia
Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), also known as dimethylpolysiloxane or dimethicone, is a silicone polymer with a wide variety of uses, from cosmetics to industrial lubrication and passive daytime radiative cooling.
Detailed insights of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) degradation …
2024年5月15日 · The present work provides an atomic-level understanding of the PDMS breakdown reaction network and shows how silicon side groups affect degradation, facilitating the rational design of high-performance ablative PDMS materials.
福州大学赖跃坤团队:具有超强化学机械稳定性的透明超疏水涂 …
通过红外和tg对涂层进行表征,si-o-si和si-ch3的伸缩振动峰的出现验证了pdms的成功引入。 而在TG曲线中,PDMS在277.5 °C开始气化而在450 °C开始降解,表明了在400°C进行热处理有利于PDMS的气相沉积。
Crystallization, glass transition, and molecular dynamics in PDMS …
2018年12月20日 · In this work linear polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) of five low molecular weights, Wm ∼2–8 kg/mol, i.e. mainly below the entanglement threshold, is studied employing differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermally stimulated depolarization currents (TSDC), a special dielectric technique in the temperature domain, and broadband dielectric spectros...
TG (line) and DTA (dashed) curves of PDMS. - ResearchGate
We investigated the use of thermally treated polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) for chemically-resistant microchannels. When the PDMS underwent the thermal treatment at 300 °C, swelling was reduced...
TG和FT-IR分析表明, PDMS的低温热解过程发生在350~550℃的温度范围, 主要发生的是-CH 3 的脱除反应, 并在其骨架结构中形成更多的Si-O-Si结构, 所以, PDMS的低温热解过程是一个骨架结构中有机分子结构脱除减少, 无机分子结构形成增加的过程。因此, 采用低温热解法制备有机/无机膜, 应控制热解温度, 使PDMS骨架结构中-CH 3 基团得到部分保留, 形成Si-O-Si骨架结构与-CH 3 基团共存的状态。依据PDMS的TG分析, 制备有机/无机膜适宜的低温热解温度在350~480℃。在该 …
It was shown that PDMS thermally decomposes to cyclic oligomers through Si–O bond scission in a chain-folded cyclic conformation energetically favored by overlapping of empty silicon d-orbitals...
热分析设备之高分子材料分析-DMA篇 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
玻璃化转变温度 (Tg):高分子材料的三态之一,用于表示材料在玻璃态与高弹态之间相互转变的温度。 需要注意的是,使用DMA分析Tg时有三种方式:①储能模量E'的曲线偏置点,即水平与下降曲线延长线的交点;②损耗模量E''的极值点;③损耗角正切tanδ的极值 ...
PDMS 低温热解制备有机无机膜的研究 - 豆丁网
2013年4月8日 · 摘要:以聚二甲基硅氧烷(pdms)为前驱体聚合物,采用浸渍法在支撑体上涂覆制备pdms支撑膜,将其在惰性气 氛下350~480℃低温热解,制备有机/无机膜。 考察了制膜工艺条件对膜气体分离性能的影响;并借助于TG和FT-IR